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Apple Evangelist

People who try to convert you to Apple products by going on and on and on and on about their i phone/pad/pod. Alright we all appreciate the amazing technology but please would you shut the fuck up already.

"My i-thing is sooooooo amazing, my i-things app/screen/resolution/speed is sooooooooo much better than anything you've ever seen. WHY don't YOU own one." - Apple Evangelist.

"I appreciate the technology is very good. But you are a posing wanker and I just want to smash your i-thing to pieces and watch you cry." - Non i-thing owner.

by CloudPixie March 23, 2012

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Facebook Evangelist

The Term facebook Evangelist is used to describe a Christian Person that uses Facebook for Evangelisim purposes to tell Everyone about God, The Holy Bible and about The Good News of Jesus Christ.
To Discuss The Bornagain Christian Faith, Church related topics via online chat, inbox messages, Wall posts, related videos and quoting Bible scripture.

Facebook Evangelist - I was chatting to a friend online and we began to discuss our beliefs and Faith in God.
I asked him/her to Invite Jesus Christ into their lives and Pray the Sinners prayer out loud.

Reference John 3:16

by Glorybyfire. PEVANS June 26, 2011

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Facebook Evangelist

Someone who posts bible verses as their Facebook status all the time.

Did you see that Stephanie put a bible verse as her status today again today?

Yeah, she is such a Facebook Evangelist

by monkeyman 777 December 3, 2010

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Urban Dictionary Evangelist

Someone who posts extremely biased definitions on urban dictionary for no other purpose than promoting their pet ideology. This can include a glowingly positive definition of something they believe in, or more often, a hateful definition of something they disagree with.

The definitions for controversial subjects like religion have been taken over by Urban Dictionary Evangelists.

by Boredman April 16, 2015

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st john the evangelist

the worst tcdsb school in all of toronto

person one: "Do you go to st john the evangelist?"
person two: "Yes.. i go to SJE.."
person one: *walks away*

by emophile March 19, 2023

brand evangelist

Brand evangelists are customers who feel so strongly about a brand or product that they will not only recommend the brand to others, but will freely work to convince other consumers that the brand is superior to others in the marketplace.

Brand evangelists spread their beliefs about a brand due to a previously positive experience with the brand.

by linden_soulmate October 12, 2015

St mark the evangelist

Welcome to the worst school you will ever hear about. A school where the class of 2020 has the most fakes in the entire world (especially in one home room where one girl had her nudes seen by every 8th grader last year). Oh and don’t forget a shit faculty. Horrible teachers. Classes that you won’t ever use in your life time. Teachers has shit grading skills. Unfair dress code. And a p.e. Teacher who gives you pedophile vibes

Someone: β€œwhat school do you go to”
Someone: β€œst mark the evangelist”
that one girl: β€œI go to that school and everyone has seen my nudes!”

by 1234488382828283 September 15, 2019