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But eventually the word will

What will the word do eventually

But eventually the word will, will word will

by Coco chuck. Sgaulana hb June 22, 2021

Eventus Overloadus

The Latin term for the inability to avoid or unsubscribe to the daily Facebook events, fundraisers, parties and the comments that accompany these annoying notifications.

If I had the heart to immediately decline all the daily Facebook invites I might not suffer the condition of Eventus Overloadus.

by Corn Fed Jessica June 25, 2012

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This word was made by Gabby and EddieVR

The meaning is "one time in the future"

"It will potent-eventually happen in the future next year."

by JoleneDoesStuffs June 11, 2022

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But eventually the word will phase from existence


But eventually the word will phase from existenceBut eventually the word will phase from existenceBut eventually the word will phase from existenceBut eventually the word will phase from existenceBut eventually the word will phase from existence

"But eventually the word will phase from existence"

by bunglet July 1, 2021

But eventually the word will phase from existence


BLUE TEXT BE LIKE But eventually the word will phase from existence LOLOLOLOL

by onlyinohio August 12, 2021

We'll eventually have to sharpen the ax

A common saying for somebody wanting to leave a place, usually a party. Commonly used as a hint that you need to get going.

Well, David, we'll eventually have to sharpen the ax...

by Page Hansen February 21, 2007

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But eventually the word will phase from existence

Watermelon sugar
We will all succumb
We will lose all meaning
Just as this word did

But eventually the word will phase from existence as everything does. No one can escape the inevitable marching of time.

by Beepboopimashoop July 30, 2021