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for example

Taken as an example of

Don't say anything obnoxious in a haste, for example, you're a complete idiot.

by Hercolena Oliver August 29, 2008

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It means "it has been more than enough". Ample means more than enough and ex is has been.

Don't listen to examples, you can make better use of your time

by J_the_Rooster October 15, 2012

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Someone who is really good at providing examples for things; be it to help explain something, or provide context for something. This could be someone who gives great analogies or can come up with fake situations to illustrate the point.

"Hey, I'm trying to come up with an example for my definition on Urban Dictionary, can you help me out?"
"Yeah ok! I'm a pretty good exampler"

by Randomerer July 1, 2020


An Example is an Example of something

Here is an Example of the word Example

by JDMac12 September 14, 2021

for example

As an example of

Exemplary conduct for example courteousness is commendable.

by Hercolena Oliver August 31, 2008

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Example - something used to show or give hints to the meanings of other words/things.

Teacher: β€œAlright class, let’s work out this math problem. Examples are on the board!”
The class: β€œOkay, Miss!”

by Cookyiee April 25, 2022

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Spooky Example

It is very scary. Bad!!! No no bad!!!! no!!!😑😑😑😑😑

Tim killed babies slowly, while blinking with his spooky example. It was a round evening.

by certifiedgeesehaircut November 27, 2020