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Ficky Ficky Faced the face that got faced

A small reminding phrase to let someone of a stupid act know that they got moaded, burned. Usually best used in context around other people.

You, your girlfriend and another couple go to the zoo and the monkeys throw shit on just you. You got ficky ficky faced the face that got faced.

by Dr.Willow January 23, 2007

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The best name to call someone to harrass them, or simply the act of rubbing your face on someone elses face.

"You stupid fag!"
"You stupid FACE-FACE!"

by AMY STYROFOAM May 1, 2008

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Face in the Face

A word used to describe a person or thing. Usually used when names are not remembered or if the right to a name has been taken away.

Don't you remember...face in the face?

Did you see see face in the face?

by Ains February 1, 2004

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Your Face's Face

The perfect and only counter to the word, Your Face.

(Playing Gran Turismo: Person 2)
Person 1: Dude! You Suck!
Person 2: YOUR FACE!!!
Person 1: YOU FACE'S FACE!!!
Person 2: (Stomps on Playstation 2)
(Playing Call of Duty: Person 1 & Person 2)
Person 1: I just owned you noob!
Person 2: YOUR FACE!!!
Person 1: You know what?
Person 2: What?
Person 1: YOUR FACE'S FACE!!!
Person 2: (Rage Quits)

by Dragonblud55 August 11, 2009

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face face

A name usually given to call a person a name without saying it

Why don't you shut up Face Face!

by Jack Spicer December 22, 2007

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Goochy Goochy Face Face

Goochy Goochy Face Face

A game invented in the late 1990s by ex-England cricketer Graham Gooch.
A drink fuelled night out celebrating a test victory over Scotland turned sour when the England cricket team were denied entry to the V.I.P room in Stringfellow's. So incensed by this, Graham Gooch barged his way into the room to find it occupied by the Neville brothers celebrating a victory over Crystal Palace.
In an alcohol fuelled rage Graham lowered his pants and began to 'gooch' Gary Neville whilst shouting 'Goochy Goochy Face Face'.
The incident made headlines in all the Sunday papers and the two have not spoken since.

The object of the game is to place ones bare gooch on the opponents face while he/she is trying to do the same.
Goochy Goochy Face Face can be declared at anytime and anyplace with many bouts spontaneously starting during major sporting events and civil ceremonies.
Upon declaring 'Goochy Goochy Face Face' partcipants must remove ones clothes and try to 'Gooch' their opponent.
The contest continues until one participant is victorious.

The sport has quite and underground following which probably peaked in early 2002 when Chuck Norris knocked out Christian Slater with his patented 'Roundhouse Gooch'.
Chuck was later banned from the sport after killing two of the original members of Franz Ferdinand.
This paved the way for current fans favourite, Prince and his flamboyant overhead gooch manoeuvre which is loved by fans world wide.

Brian challenged Stewie to a game of Goochy Goochy Face Face.

by Jean Claude Van Damme February 7, 2006

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my face is on my face

the most awesome quote ever.

"A penny saved is a penny earned"
"Mathematics, in it's own way, is the poetry of logical ideas"
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. "
"To be or not to be is the question"

by Stuffattack April 28, 2010

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