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Any white collar workplace that is inhabited by professionals who are unhappy with the repetitive nature of their work.

large law firms, accounting firms. Bill looked forward to another day at the factory reviewing documents.

by Mark Rhoades August 26, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


My hometown of Crimora, is the biggest crank capital in virginia and is known by many as the factory since crank and meth are in abudence here

"you riding down the the factory later? I need some of that crimora crank"

by Mohammad April 2, 2004

13๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


Factorials is a common phrase used to agree with something 100%


Person 1 says: "Martin was smashing the actress who played Pam during the filming of the TV show Martin. Her and Gina both could get it"
Person 2 responds with" " Factorials, they both had a phat ass"

by Dblock13 September 9, 2018


Originally a mathematical term. Denoted as "4!" and read as "four factorial," it's the product of 1x2x3x4=24.

Heard used when describing someone whose clothes are about 10 sizes too tight: "Yo, she ain't no size four, she's a size four factorial!"

Originating in the Manayunk area of Philadelphia, PA, as well as the Philadelphia suburb of Phoenixville, PA, as a word to describe anything or any situation as totally outrageous or ridiculous, it is quickly becoming adopted as colloquialism all over the Philadelphia metro area.

1.) "Steve ate an entire pizza last night when he was drunk. he's fucking factorial"
2.) "We don't need no factorial bitches up in here" (for added effect, the word "bitches" can be replaced with "betches").
3.) "My boyfriend caught me checking out another guy and went totally factorial on my ass."
4.) "We got drunk at the bar last night, and I have no idea what happened after that. It was a totally factorial night"

by Four Factorial Betches November 25, 2006

16๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A tutorial about facts

Facts + Snapple facts = factorial

by MoschinoHoe December 27, 2017

The Factory

Little is known about The Factory. Excursions into facilities purported to be operated by them have yielded limited results, and no concrete conclusions have been reached except that they seem capable of manufacturing anomalous artifacts โ€” and that they use mass-production techniques to do so.

The Factory keeps churning out those SCPs. If they don't stop, we might end up having them accidentally go public.

by Mad Dummy April 9, 2019


Used to describe something that's to the max, at a very high level of ordinance, or at the epitamy of itself.

"Man look at that drummer go! Polyrhythm factory!"
"Nice cookies, Ms Peadie, that's tasty factory!"

by 'Cus June 6, 2005

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