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Farmingdale aka Fdale home of the Dalers, no one actually knows what a daler is. i will tell you. Daler (noun)member of the farmingdale community that gets their asses handed to them in every sport against their long time rivals the Massapequa Chiefs. The guys are all dirty and the ones that arent balck think they are and the girls are hoeish trash. and their kickline, reminds me of when mars attacks. In conclusion Farmingdale home of the dirty dalers is a place people choose to settle bc they can not afford the home in the highish priced town on long island.

-How was Hofstra Farmingdale?
-We dont know we got our asses handed to us by the Chiefs

by ChiefPride March 2, 2006

86๐Ÿ‘ 166๐Ÿ‘Ž


it's also a town in New Jersey!

Farmingdale, New Jersey is also better than Massapequa

by iPreferNewPaltz May 14, 2007

133๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž


Incorporated in 1904, Farmingdale is a village on the Eastern border of Nassau County (Long Island, New York) with a population (circa 2008) of 9,000.

Stats: Area code 516 (western sections) or 631 (East Farmingdale), ZIP code 11735, 51% female, 80% White, $450,000 homes

Mainly residential, with small commercial/industrial plazas interspersed, it is bordered by the Bethpage Parkway to the West, the Bethpage State Park to the North, the Southern State Parkway to the South, and Republic Airport to the East - it is divided into:

1. Farmingdale proper (northern section, primarily businesses and middle-class housing).

2. South Farmingdale (primarily middle-to-upper class housing, home to Farmingdale Public High School), bordered by Motor Avenue and Route 109 to the North.

3. East Farmingdale (primarily lower-class housing and industrial sites, home to Republic Airport and SUNY Farmingdale), bordered to the West by Secatogue Avenue.

The local sports teams are known as the "Dalers" with the village itself known as "F-dale" or "The Dirty Dale", Farmingdale's most common rivals being the residents of Massapequa, aka "Pequa".

My son goes to SUNY Farmingdale.

I was a Daler back in high school.

Did you see the Pequa-Fdale game?

by Big Kenny Knuts April 24, 2008

92๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


Farmingdale is a town on long island. It destroys most teams in the athletic department. Everyone knows that farmingdale crushes massapueqa in every sport. Farmingdale is known for their sucess in athletics. Many people also say the girls are very hot.

Look at Farmingdale Go, Once again beating massapueqa to move on!

by Daler March 12, 2005

132๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž


A town in Long Island New York that specializes in whooping massapequas ass in every way possible. Not only is Farmingdale better in every way the residents also take pleasure in destroying massapequans asses in any physical altercation. It is a good thing they are rich because they are forced to make several trips to the hospital each month do to these altercations.

"What happend honey??!!!"
"I got beat up again..."
"What did i tell you about going into Farmingdale?"

-Typical Massapequan family conversation

by Kapalski August 5, 2009

60๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


Town on Long Island. Half Nassua county half Suffolk 100% awsome. better than massapeqa home of the some of the most bad ass people around. the sump crew consisting of tom mike chris w chris b james k mike brucie widescreen. well known to many native dalers

dude 1: yo you go to Farmingdale last night?
Dude 2: yea bro i chilled with the sump crew!
Dude 1: sweet

by fdale4life October 22, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


Farmingdale is a poor, dirty, trashy town north of Massapequa. It is considered the white trash capital of Nassau county and is full of crime and losers. The average IQ of a Daler is 80. The stores are in shambles, half the residents are below the poverty line, the houses are dirty, streets filled with garbage, constant crime and vandalism.

Farmingdale is the prostitute capital of the Long Island. They don't even realize that there are at least 90 hookers from Flushing working in "storefront massage parlors"; but are actually full-service prostitutes. How blind can this village be? If they closed down all the hoar houses, Farmingdale would look like a ghost town as half the businesses would be shut down.

The residents have an inferiority complex and desperately want to be like their greater southern neighbor, Massapequa.

Look at the entries for Fdale on urbandictionary. Completely obsessed with Pequa!! It's actually quite flattering to Massapequa that they have such a huge admirer in the lowly Fdale. Massapequa constantly owns Fdale in every single sport there is, the houses, people and location are superior to the "dirty" Dale.

You will never be like Massapequa, give it up Farmingdale.

Even if you had the money, money can't buy class Farmingdale.

Crazy Donkey in Farmingdale = trashiest spot on LI

Let's go to Farmingdale and catch a happy ending, 95 "massage parlors" to choose from

by dummybomb January 14, 2011

68๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž