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Humongous Fat Lard

Delta’s Mom

Wow Delta’s Mom is such a Humongous Fat Lard

by Big Man Jean November 1, 2020

1👍 1👎

Tina! You fat lard!

Tina is an iconic name. You call someone or something this when it doesn't eat their tater tots, casserole, and ham.

" Tina! You fat lard! Come get some dinner!

by Drake S March 16, 2020

8👍 2👎

fat tub of lard

Man named micheal and is usually super big like a tub of fat

Look at that fat tub of lard

by Hshdhebr September 29, 2017

fat lard

Someone who is getting on your nerves, who is also fat.

Biwwy you are such a fat lard!

by Zubble-guppies February 19, 2018

fat lard

mr micheal cherrybon, of strayer middle school

mr cherrybons looking a bit plump today”
“what a fat lard”

by yeedleskadeedle March 30, 2019

Fat Lard

Delta’s Mom

Delta’s Mom is a Fat Lard, She’s Humungous.

by Big Man Jean November 1, 2020

Fat Lard

When called a fat lard, you are being called worse then fat, meaning that you are the size of a whale.

Tina you fat lard get your food

by Fat lardin retard March 12, 2017