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fellow kid

A term used to describe people, mostly adults, trying to be relatable to the generation after them.

Teacher: Hit the QUAN!
Q - Question
U - Underline
A - Answer
N - Never fail

News: #PokemonGO check these out! This is lit! 100% atitude yo fellow kid

by dontcareaboutname June 13, 2017

30πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Fellow kids

Trying to get with the kids by using old/bad memes. Typically used by companies and teachers.

Company: hellos Fellow Kids poggers wholesome 100 buy our products floss all day.
Kid: what

by Guy fiercely November 10, 2020

Brian Fellows

A character played by Tracy Morgan on SNL who's a retarded animal "expert" Just watch it

Yo did you see Brian Fellow's on saturday?? Shit was crazy!

by Ayy Ro May 28, 2005

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fellow traveller

a Communist sympathizer; someone with socialist leanings

Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis) was convinced that fellow travellers were infiltrating the US government.

by Christopher Drake April 21, 2008

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fellow employee

Fellow Employee---Dumb ass microcephalics you have to put up with while you try to do your job.

I could finish this job if only my fellow employees would stay the fuck out of the way!

by vernon dutton January 20, 2004

34πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

waste fellow

Someone who is quite useless and has wasted his talents on pursuing other things in life.

Raja : "Did you see how Ashwin played last night?"

Devan: "Yes I watched the game, he had an absolute shocker! What a waste fellow!"

useless fool idiot punk

by Electric Eel Shock April 10, 2016

44πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Odd Fellows

In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and pursuing projects for the benefit of all humankind.Β  Those were called "Odd Fellows".

Today, the Odd Fellows is a worldwide fraternal Order having lodges in 28 countries.Β  They are actively involved in a variety of civic and philanthropic efforts on a local, national, and international level.

Odd Fellows highlights of the organization's works:
1. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs spend over $775 million in relief projects annually.
2. The Educational Foundation provides substantial loans and grants to students
3. SOS Children’s Village provides a caring home for orphaned children in Cambodia.
4. Living Legacy focuses on planting trees and enhancing our environment

5. The Arthritis Foundation

6. Visual Research Foundation supports vision care and research through the Wilmer Eye Institute.

7. United Nations Pilgrimage for Youth

8. Annually sponsor a float in the Rose Parade

by Oldest fraternities September 16, 2009

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