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1. A person who is an extreme flirt.
2. An extremely hot male.
3. Someone who can get all the girls.

Did you see all those girls crowding around the flirtis.

Damn, did you see the flirtis that walked by.

Its unfair how flirtis gets all the girls.

by the big flirt July 12, 2009

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flirty personality

someone who doesnโ€™t actually like them and canโ€™t control them selves from flirting bc they are too nice and have no sensor on what they say

person 1 : I think she likes me

person 2: nah she just has a flirty personality

by yobihhhhh October 22, 2019

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flirty lean

A flirtation device commonly used by young men when courting a young lass. Usually employed in the beginning of the flirtation process. To pull off the flirty lean, all one needs to do is lean on any available inanimate object while spitting game at the lass in question. The lean can occur in a plethora of situations and on many different objects. A wall, counter, school locker, chair, and many more are acceptable lean supporters. The objective of the flirty lean is to exude three things: I'm cool. Comfortable. Confident. (Can also be called the 3 C's)

"So none of my moves were working on that girl last night." -Mike
"Well did you try the flirty lean? That's always been a panty dropper for me." -Paul
"Oh snap! I can't believe I forgot about the flirty lean. It's a classic." -Mike

by thetruejwalk July 9, 2010

flirty friends

Friends, usually but not limited to the opposite sex who are more than just friends, but less than lovers. Flirty friends should not be confused w/ โ€œfriends w/ benefitsโ€ or โ€œfuck friendsโ€ as flirty friends actually tend to flirt in public, cuddle, spoon & occasionally kiss rather than engage in fellatio or coital relations. Most flirty friend relationships have a tendency to end in disaster when the male, in most cases, assumes the relationship has evolved into something deeeper & expresses his new found feelings to said partner.

Meg: Hey Laura did u know Daniel & Isabella are no longer flirty friends??

Laura: Why, what happened??

Meg: Daniel came to think of Isabella as more than a flirty friend & told her even though Isabella was only setteling untill here 1st choice became a free agent again.

Lauara: Always happens... they'll prob ignore each other for a while & then occasionally have to exchange tense half hearted smiles from now on.

by The Verbalist January 8, 2007

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flirty thirty

A much classier and more pleasant term (referring to the epic nature of a woman's 30th birthday party) than the commonly used "dirty thirty."

(Facebook status update:) Pics from Shaena's flirty thirty bday bash in Vegas!!

by Lady E. September 4, 2016

Flirty Fishing

Flirty Fishing

Flirty Fishing (FFing) was a form of religious prostitution practiced by the Children of God/The Family cult from 1974 until it was officially discontinued in 1987 (due, in part, to the AIDS scare). Its etymology can be traced to Matthew 4:19 where Jesus says "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Flirty Fishing was a subset of The Family's love bombing activities and involved the use of sexual attraction and intercourse to win converts and favors. Female members were told to be "God's whores" and "hookers for Jesus", and soon after its launch as a method of witnessing, sex was given to complete strangers in combination with a request for a "donation", or for a required fee in line with Escort Servicing (ESing) or freelance ESing. FFing and prostitution was widely used as a way to raise money for the cult and resulted in many of the second generation births (known as "Jesus Babies"). Internal Family records from 1988 indicate that over 223,000 "fish" were loved sexually between 1978 and 1988

Q: "What is Flirty Fishing" Many of you asked for a definition and what should be reported as actual FF'ing.
A: We would like to answer that FF'ing is going out witnessing the love of Jesus with the serious intent to use sex or sex appeal as the bait, regardless of the situation or place. This can be anywhere!โ€“On the street, in a park, while going to the local store, in discotheques or in clubs!

Q: Does "Loved Sexually" also include kissing and light petting?
A: We suggest you only include masturbation, sucking and actual intercourse in the figures of fish, mate, brother or sister loved sexually. It's all, or nothing at all! Hallelujah!

by Deathrow_nzl February 8, 2007

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flirty friend

Someone who is not yet a boyfriend or girlfriend, but is already more than "just a friend."

My flirty friend just texted me and he said he wants to teach me how to play football.

by beach stroller June 19, 2011

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