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jamaican frenzy

The act of befriending as many black people as possible to prove that you are not racist.

Hey bro, he seriously added bella black people to his Facebook in the last 3 days.
Blood YOABOI B ON DAT' (your friend be on dat') Jamaican Frenzy.

by Ranchgirls September 30, 2020

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A fat ass female bitch

You are a frenzy.

by Heisalittlebitch December 11, 2019

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Heisting Frenzy

When you shoplift items ten times in a row from your local White Hen without getting caught.

Comes from the Halo term "Killing Frenzy"

Guy walks out with Twix bar
*Manly voice* "Heisting Frenzy"
Guy: "Damn I'm good"

by Mcheist March 10, 2009

Youtube Frenzy

A state of being where you feel the need to go on youtube, click on a random video, and vote it up, favorite it, and click the description and read it, regardless of what the video is.

I have youtube frenzy on a daily basis.

by Morpheus Road February 1, 2011

kill frenzy

killing 5 to 10 people at the same time or in a very short time frame. The saying was first used in Rockstars/DMA's Grand Theft Auto and later copied by microsofts Halo.

(5 or more people killed) commentor shouts: "killll frenzyy" (exaggarated pronunciation of kill frenzy)

by Frank Delmonmte June 17, 2008

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pube frenzy

The conglomeration of pubic hairs left behind on the toilet, shower, floor, etc. after a male manscapes and either neglects to, or does a horrible job cleaning up the pubic hair outcasts.

Jed must have been manscaping again -- there is a pube frenzy going on in my bathroom upstairs!

by indyanna May 4, 2010

jailbait frenzy

to date or have sex with 3 or more underage persons in a row.

billybobdave had a 3 some with 2 jb's last night and his 8th grade gf doesn't even know, and I heard he's still banging that freshman with playboy titties... He is on a jailbait frenzy !!!!

by Matt Huff July 12, 2010

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