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front bummed

intercourse. extremely violent intercourse.

she got front bummed


she was violently gang front bummed

by Kreaper February 10, 2009


vagina. especially when bald and viewed from the front because of the buttocks like appearance.

I can see your front-bum

by Manpunzel April 18, 2006

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A front-bum is when you need to tuck your gut in the front of your pants...thus making it look like a butt.

Tom: wow look at that chicks ass
Joe: Dude thats a front-bum
Tom: oh man she had to of been there awhile stuffin that beast in.

by Trevor Normington March 12, 2006

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A bum... in the front. Also see: peenub

Keep icing your frontbum! Icing stops the swelling... AND I NEED YOU.

by JBo February 13, 2005

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front bum destroyer

Someone who has "front bummed" and built a reputation from violent intercourse.

You can refer to yourself as a "front bum destroyer".

I'll destroy that.

I'll then call myself the 'Front Bum Destroyer'.

by apldk March 22, 2013

front bum wedgie

Pulling ones undies into a wedgie at the front pubic area, particularly with the vagina. This could also be achieved by wearing a G string backwards. It can be used as a loving gesture to ones partner to get a shocking response

"hey darl check my front bum wedgie"
"hey darl bet you never seen this before" (pull a front bum wedgie"

by Bakes Galaxy January 17, 2015

Front bum poo

Child birth

Check out the size of that pregnant woman. She must be aching for a front bum poo!

by N8o August 19, 2013