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fucked up repugnant shit

An exclamation made when some: gangsta shit goes down; someone gets fucked up or mutilated; or just some nasty shit is viewed by the person making the statement.

Used by Samuel L. Jackson on more than one on screen occasion.

Thats some fucked up repugnant shit!

by Explain June 4, 2007

302๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck up your shit

/v/ to disturb a second person's situation, belongings, or bodily person; to mess up another's nest, home ground, domicile or living situation through intentional or callous disregard; to cause a second person inconvenience, discomfort, or unwanted intrusion.

Jules: "That's cool man. We' don't wanna fuck up your shit."

Jimmie: "You don't wanna fuck up my shit? Well, you're fucking up my shit right now! And you'll be fucking up my shit BIG TIME if Bonnie get home. So you got to make some calls? You gotta call some people? Well do it!"

"Pulp Fiction" (1994)

by Billy Beck O'Hannity April 7, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fucking shit up

To make a bad situation worst.

Stop fucking shit up, he's already got a knife in his neck.

by Emoske January 25, 2011

28๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck shit up

1. to create disorder (best in public)
2. make a bad mistake

lets fuck shit up!
oh no! i've fuck shit up

by ttt November 21, 2004

366๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck shit up

1) To not give two fucks about anyone or anything. To be a dick and very inconciderate in a public place.

2) To be a complete asshole outside of your house and not care if you get booked

3) To go out during the weekend with your closet friends and party the night away while not caring what you look like cause your having so much fun

4) Making a fucking riot in a place of business.

5) Destoying public propertiy in a non orderly fasion.

1) Lets go out to the mall tonight and fuck shit up.
2) Lets so if we can get away with fucking shit up at the police station.
3) Tony: What are you doing tonight
Rod: Fucking shit up with you and the crew
4) Lets got to the store and fuck shit up
5) Mr. Asshole over there yelled at us last week for being on him lawn. Well im going to fuck shit up at his house tonight. That will show that cock boy to fuck with me.

by Rod Swan December 2, 2006

188๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck shit up

to compete intensely, esp. in a sport

"Yo, Bri, when we get out there, we gonna fuck shit up!"

by 1brotha January 30, 2010

44๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fucking Shit Up

The intentional, and deliberate action of creating chaos for the amusement of one's self or peers. Fucking Shit Up is appropriate in almost all situations including, but not limited too: Schools, Malls, Homes, Weddings, Parties, Occupational Facilities, Cemeteries, Supermarkets, Fast Food Restaurants, Fairs, Beaches, Public Events, Hospitals, and Gang Affiliated Territories. Fucking Shit Up is a skill that not many possess. Only a true psychopathic, twisted, demented, traumatized, deranged, sick bastard is capable of such acts of cruel, unusual and chaotic behavior. This specific type of behavior originated in the city of Miami, Florida. The prerequisite symptoms of someone about to Fuck Shit Up, are feelings of: Anger, Anxiety, Hysteria, Frenzy, Restlessness, Boredom, Spontaneous Loss of Self Control, Hyperactivity, and Masochism. WARNING: If within close proximity of someone who is under of any of the effects listed above, proceed with extreme caution as your life is in a high level of danger. Being victimized of such behavior may display feelings of: Depression, Fatigue, Hopelessness, Desperateness, and Extreme Frustration.

Hey Mario, let's fuck shit up!

Damn! We're fucking shit up!

Cmon, let's go fuck shit up!

Join us, my son, as there is shit that needs to be fucked up.

by Panza Boy March 22, 2011

23๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž