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Fuckle is a portmanteau word combining fucking and sprinkle. It describes the act of ruining a perfectly good donut with fucking sprinkles.

Who fuckled my donuts? Or: who put a fuckle on my cookie?

by SprinkleHater24 November 26, 2010

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A thing or object that you want to say "fucking" before the noun.
Basically an easier way to curse at objects.

Say: "Get that fuckle away from me!"
instead of: "Get that fucking thing away from me!"

by Protoplosion October 9, 2021


a group of things or objectives that you do not want to do/ finish

I have a fuckle of phone calls to make.

by tnahpilo May 22, 2019


(verb) 1. to cuddle naked; 2. to spoon sexually

***combination of the words 'fuck' and 'cuddle'

We fuckled all night long.

by ..rawwwrrr.. O.o April 27, 2011

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1. a person being an ass
2. a fucking buckle

1. God Sarah! You're being suck a fuckle!
2. I'm so fat! My fuckle on my belt won't close!

by Fricker Flicker March 17, 2009

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When you can't help laughing at a funny meme, post, or article on a topic that absolutely infuriates you. Combination of fury and chuckle.

Did you see Wonkette 's latest on Trump's assholery? I fuckled so hard I spat.

by Spenser's Mom October 7, 2017

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Its an exclamation for something really minor. If a pencil broke in half or if you dropped something, you could exclaim "Fuckle". It adds whimsy to an otherwise obscene expression

Upon dropping a quarter:

by Tristan December 7, 2003

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