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Having Victorian Era sex.

Wow Lucy and Dracula were totally galloping in that movie.

by Alex Delarge December 10, 2016

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

galloping crud

A particularly nasty, crusty, fast advancing rash or skin eruption. For some reason it appears to strike only chrome-plated, 360 degree assholes, while leaving the virtuous unscathed. By so doing, it restores ones faith in the mysteries of life.

Alarmed Fellow:"Don't sit in that chair---Mayson just got up from there, and he has the galloping crud!"
Unconcerned Grand Guy:"Don't worry--Mayson's a dirt-bag, but I have my aura of righteousness to protect me."

by Kieran Le Petomaine November 20, 2006

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The Gish Gallop is a a debating/rhetorical technique that involves barraging an opponent with a haze of falsified statements, outright lies, and straw-man arguments. The unsuspecting opponent typically feels defenseless and frustrated against the attack and is unable to deflect it on the spot. It is named after creationism activist and professional debater Duane Gish.

Newt Gingrich is a notorious gish-galloper. In an exchange with Howard Dean he grossly distorted the facts concerning the number of Americans who would be forced into a government health insurance plan by making up the random number of 131 million:

"The way the bill in the House -- and we're talking about a specific bill -- the way the bill in the House would work, if your company didn't offer any insurance, they would pay an 8 percent tax on their personnel cost.

For most companies, that would be a net savings of 3 percent, 4 percent or 5 percent. One estimate by Lewin Associates (sic) is 131 million Americans will lose their private insurance and be pushed into a government plan."

by savagewo December 1, 2011

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garden galloper

A person with a horticultural background who likes to garden with young men.

That Bob Audet is one helluva garden galloper!

by Chuck Butler April 24, 2007

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Fanny Gallop

Strictly confined to women who get a sudden rush in the groin area of an orgasmic or erotic nature. Often taken by shock and usually envoked by an erotic memory or at the sight of a very attractive potential sexual partner.

God he's so sexy he's givin me fanny gallop!

by Coggy September 6, 2006

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Fanny Gallops

When a girl feels horny and her vagina starts to pulsate with excitement.

"Oh my god I'm getting fanny gallops watching that!" *ponographic film*

by Leoleanne September 17, 2008

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The Manjeet Gallop

The act of clapping your hands then quickly slapping your hands across your chest repeadetly, making a gallop sound.

English class was sorta lame, so we organized 20 people to do the manjeet gallop to piss off the teacher.

by Manjeet the Almighty February 14, 2009

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