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1. 5 or more people fucking each other.
Can be concentual or rape.
2. When a place or spot gets overly crowded and complicated, either by gang members, cops or anyone.

1. "I'm entertaining some ladies tonight (3) , and I'm hoping to turn it into a gangbang. Are you in?"
2. "By the time we arrived it was a total gangbang."

by Diego July 4, 2003

371๐Ÿ‘ 361๐Ÿ‘Ž


3 or more people having sex. Usually requires at least one male. Sometimes used just for something funny to say when a group of people leave together and you don't know what they're doing.

This is a real life example, with some names changed.

Jane, Anna and Betty leave the room to go to the bathroom.

Bob: Are they going to the loo AGAIN?
Chloe: They're probably having a gangbang.
Bob: But don't you need a cock for that? Or did they bring a dildo?
Me: You sick minded freaks!

by FayeWillGlompifyYoo October 3, 2006

125๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž


Besides the sexual orientation, gangbang can also relate to "a group of people ganging up on one person and owning them". The person may have taken care of one, but could not take them all on.

That guy in Counter-strike just got gangbanged by the other team.
Paintball isn't any fun when you get gangbanged.

by ViTium May 25, 2005

95๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž


Can be done by any combintion of races but most of the time it is a white girl with black men. Can be white on white, black on black, or mexican on mexican, but most commonly black men on a white girl.

A gangbang is where 4 or more men get with a girl and they start to have sex with her at once it has to have double penetrations to be a gang bang. Commonly after servel gang bangs the girl will start haveing train bangs run on her and will get a tramp stramp.

Commonly confused with a train bang but a gang bang only goes up to 6 men and has to have DPs to be a gangbang. Where about a train bang is 7 or more guys.

OMG after being gangbanged by half the black football team in collage becky became a total slut haveing gang bangs and and trains run on her daily she even has a stamp tramp to prove it. She really just white meat on black street now.

by tiff6969 December 16, 2009

119๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž


when a bunch of gamer or whatever surprise attack another gamer

player 1: ahhh! i just got gangbanged by a bunch of zombies
player 2: this is why u shouldnt go mining at night

by ducyknon August 4, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


there is two defeniitions:
1: If A woman gets jumped by a group of men

2: When its beef betwen two gangs(mostly known in west coast, often crips and bloods)it can also be a group of gangmembers gangbangin' a few people or just one person

Snoop Dogg - Ready 2 Ryde "We gangbang on these n****z like we 'posed to do
and I'll be damned if I let a b***h get close to you"

by BigBossDogg August 24, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


A "gangbang" is when a job needs to be done well, 'yesterday' and a bunch of people work together to accomplish it.

A bunch of us decided to gangbang the project since it was already overdue.

by Smokey March 4, 2005

49๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž