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Stupid synthetic phonic test introduced by the UK government in in 2011.

Those kids got to do 'em girts so they be literate.

by Etty Molly Gist February 19, 2011

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A beautiful Latvian name, he usually has a big, long, thick cock and a big heart.

Girts, where are you?

by girtsm1 March 3, 2021

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Sea Girt

A place down by the shore that was made because spring lake and manasquan had some land left over mainly its a place for old people to drive there golf carts to the beach its not a place for kids to party.

Sea Girt NJ

by Jballa36069 July 4, 2010

31๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sea Girt

A small town on the Jersey Shore between affluent Spring Lake and middle-class Manasquan where everybody in the town knows each other and people always say hello to random people who they don't even know. Sea Girt keeps the bennies from North Jersey and New York out by charging an arm and a leg for beach badges and the town does not have any hotels. The only way to get on that beach is if you live there or if you have "connections" with people that do. 44% of the residents are Irish, and everybody there goes to Sunday Mass at St. Marks. Sea Girt is also known for its attractive ladies. Most houses in Sea Girt are over $1 dollars. The town is divided by the east and west side of the railroad tracks. The west side has capes and ranches and smaller lots, but they are always stickin' it to the rich snobs from the easties.

"We be representin' Sea Girt"
"Those girtheads never get off that damn beach"
"Represent the west side"
"West Side pride, baby"
"Im from the Easties"

by Girthead January 26, 2009

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Girt licker

A saying when somone whats a pen inside their asshole

Hey lets pull a girt licker

by Hxjzhxhzhzb June 25, 2022

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Dirt ma Girt

used to describe something that is really trampy or dirty

Tom: "I had 18 tommy tanks in sum1 elses yard"

Paddy: "Urgh Tom that's dirt ma girt that is, standard!"

by Steve March 17, 2005

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brown shirt me girt

Used to describe a character in the video game NBA 2K19 that is wearing default clothing. This outfit consists of a brown t-shirt, grey sweatpants, and generic 2K shoes. Brown shirt me girts are usually awful at playing 2K.

"Yo get off the Got Next spot! There's a brown shirt me girt that's trying to play with us!"

"I got crossed by the brown shirt me girt"

"My name is a me me bonkers in the brown shirt me girt"

by sickoME March 28, 2019