Source Code

Fixin' to meet the golf club

to beat the shit out of someone hitting on your girlfriend

Jon: Stop talking to my girl or else you will be fixin' to meet the golf club

by Fixin to meet the golf club June 13, 2017

morris county golf club

where all the rich families and kids go to play golf, tennis and swim. mcgc is beautiful but the country club is not diverse. it has recently been redone and is absolutely stunning the locker rooms are made of expensive stone and the snack bar has a flat screen and a terrace. MCGC throws great parties

every rich person goes to morris county golf club

by golferboy May 31, 2010

4👍 2👎

mom, where's my golf club?

A code for young children who don't play golf to get rid of their mothers for 15 minutes or more. This way of diversion became popular in May of 2017, and is a quick trick to get rid of your mom!

Mom: "It's time to go to your father's funeral, sweetie!"
Kool kid: "Mom, where's my golf club?"

by scrumptiousMonster June 27, 2017

1👍 1👎

Belmar Golf Club

A hideout for ugly older lesbian women that are married to misogynistic weirdo men.

I saw a waitress get her ass slapped at Belmar Golf Club. Nobody cared or really did anything about it. The girl is in therapy now, I hope she comes out alright.

by Eat Good Eat Good June 25, 2023