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Good job

The 2 most harmful words in the english language

- There are no 2 words more harmful in the english language than good job
- Sure, but were you rushing or were you dragging?

by Lildhansen March 4, 2018

Good Job

It is a handsign meaning "asshole"

DeJuan: Good Job, Mike!
Mike: Thanks!
DeJuan: HaHaHaHaHa!!!

by Mr. Tijuana!!! August 3, 2011

17๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

Good Job, Though

A phrase that would follow when some one totally messed up, but you don't want to totally destroy their confidence.

Player: I can't believe i just gave up threw that interception.

Coach: Yeah, that was the worst pass i've ever seen. Good job, though.

by Macier Ross August 31, 2009

86๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

good job tap

a slap on the ass for a job well done.

I got a bunch of good job taps when i scored the winning basket.

by Lala Beanz December 15, 2011

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Good Job Stain

The white stain found on colored sheets the morning after a long night of sex. Chemical composition is genereally 90% feminie juices, and 10% semen.

While making the bed after a night of awesome sex, Nick and Emily found the Good Job Stain where she was laying.

by Nikddik January 30, 2012

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Good job team!

The exclamation after a job well done...well done at least.

after a group of people are gathered to complete a task. But ironically only one person does all the work.

mowwie: ..fucking Christ. finally done..

Wowwie: Good job team!

Mowwie: the fuck you talking `bout team? lazy som`bitch

by sympothetic botanist September 1, 2008

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Good job bob

A positive message given when a person has accomplished a task.
โ€œWell done!โ€
*bob is simply a rhyming name for job and is not a specific person*

I am so proud of you getting that certificate, good job bob!

by Whiskeyblack2 January 22, 2023