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Good News, Everyone!

A frequently used phrase by Professor Farnsworth, from the television show "Futurama." It is usually exclaimed to a group of individuals

The meaning of the phrase is often ambiguous. It could, literally, mean that the person speaking the phrase actually has good news. Alternatively, the phrase can be used to mislead people about what would be considered, "bad news."

Farnsworth: Good News, Everyone!
Bender: Uh-oh, I don't like the sound of that.
Farnsworth: Youll be making a delivery to the planet Trisol...
Bender: Here it comes...
Farnsworth: A mysterious world in the darkest depths of the Forbidden Zone.
Bender: Thank you, and goodnight.

by NΓΈva Buttz September 2, 2010

51πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

good news grizzlies

a better-than-expected outcome. a fortunate situation. the opposite of bad news bears.

"i found ten dollars on the sidewalk, it was such good news grizzlies."

by cw1073 December 20, 2006

255πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž

to give the good news

Slipping someone a sly one, ragging someone or in simple terms: seeing to your girl.

"I'm going home to give the good news to her."

"I gave her the good news last night!"

by neverbelieve May 14, 2008

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Good News Bible

Just like the regular Bible, except Jesus saves a bunch of money on his car insurance.

The Good News Bible, the only Bible that mentions a gecko.

by Brian Minch March 17, 2006

24πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Good News Goats

Adj; A positive outcome or future event. When there is a good turn of events. Antonym of Bad News Bears.

You're not having my kid?! That's good news goats!

by Tito January 26, 2005

16πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž

Good News Goats

The opposite of Bad News Bears. When something extremely good has happened or is about to happen.

Monica Lewinski has invited me round for Cigars and Coffee. This is Good News Goats.

by KappaTango July 5, 2011

3πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Good news geese

The positive counterpart to bad news bears; a cutesy or informal way of expressing that some event is/was a positive one.

"I got 100% on my psych quiz! Good news geese."

"Dude, you won that contest? Good news geese for you."

by Skyra September 24, 2008

3πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž