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Gruesome Jester

The act of inserting bells into the vagina whilst pouring an assortment of cool colored paint onto a persons body, and then proceeding to insert a penis into the vagina. Creating a colorful and noisy mess.

Yo dude! Did you hear how she got the Gruesome Jester last night?

by Grogwithahog August 25, 2022

Gruesome Duo

Usually referring to twins in TV shows, anime, books, manga, or in other forms of media, where their main job, or adjective is making everyone else life miserable.

The twins in Ouran Host Club are a gruesome duo.

by Carolyn Rodriguez November 17, 2007

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The Gruesome Twosome

Your two local goons at the gym. They are usually grunting and lifting allot of weight, most of the time they are yelling at each other allot. The pair tend to take allot of steroids and it is quite visible during their routine. They tend to draw attention to themselves on purpose either thought their loud demeanour or horrible odour.

Yo Frank look at ‘The Gruesome Twosome’ over there, way too much juice went into that pair.

by Ttooulias November 18, 2007

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Gruesome Twosome

1 - A really ugly couple who reflect eachothers ugliness,

2 - And ex who is seen with a new squeeze.

1 - ''eww, who are they?''
''That's the Gruesome Twosome''

2 - ''OhMyGod, my ex is over there!''
''Is that his new girlfriend?''
''Gruesome Twosome, much?''

by Katana B August 12, 2009

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Gruesome Jester

When you put bells in the vagina whilst fucking it, causing a bloody and noisy mess.

Yo did you hear how he gave her the gruesome jester last night?

by Grogwithahog August 25, 2022


When the guy from Despicable Me, has sex with multiple Minions at once.

Gru had an amazing gruesome last night in the grotto!”

by Trouble™ August 17, 2023


When the guys from despicable me fucks two or more minions at once

“Bro I had an epic gruesome last night”

by Naked slug slave June 13, 2024