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Home gym bro

A guy who has a really nice home gym in either his basement or garage (predominately Rogue equipment) and who steers every conversation to his home gym. Also religiously watches every one of Coop's Garage Gym Reviews videos. Loves horse stall mats, his leaf blower and the fact that he can do curls in the squat rack without interruption.

Mike: "You want to go to Original Pancake House tomorrow for some grub?"
Home gym bro: "Nah dawg, I'll be lifting! Can't wait to try out my new Rogue RM-6 rack with the Rhino drop-in and Rogue 3.0 adjustable bench! Also got a new stainless steel Rogue power bar with some Rogue Echo bumpers!"

by Eric Reuth January 24, 2023

Gym-bro Slice

An amateur weightlifter who is sometimes a low level influencer, who thinks they’re a personal trainer, and doesn’t hesitate to dispense wrong info on fitness and nutrition.

Bob: you shouldn’t eat carbs if you want to gain muscle
Reasonable Person: shut up, Bob, you’re being a Gym-bro Slice

by jdbombassmofo December 16, 2021

11👍 3👎

Gym Bro Pat

When your Gym Bro gives you a clap on the back right before trying to hit a new PR

Person A: Yo Bro, that Set was nice

Person B: Thanks man, I could only do it after your Gym Bro Pat

by P4scha August 8, 2023