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gym rats

People (usually man) that are always in a gym. They workout more than any person and more than the healthy limit. They are always comparing their arm sizes. They usually talk how the other are hot and thinks like that, but they are not (at least they say it) homosexuals. A gym rat will always be a liferuler, though a liferuler is not necessarily gym rats

gym rats, liferulers, academy instructors, football players, bullys

by filipekiss February 17, 2009

59👍 134👎

skinny gym rat

when a man constantly gasses that he goes to the gym but hes built like a fuckin toothpick and still cant pull any shordies

jheez a man like kajan is a skinny gym rat, mans workout and is still a twig and the mandem cant pull bariah or lindsey

by BigBoyGang2 March 1, 2019

1👍 13👎

Gym Rat

The Gym Rat is someone (usually a guy) who goes to the gym at least 30 to 90 minutes a day for 2 or 3 times a week. Rest days too. Good food is important. Protein.

There are levels to buffness.

Level 0: String Bean! They usually either look like shaggy or look kind of chubby and can't lift much. You get gym equipment and join a gym.

Level 1: Swole! Swole is usually reached after 1 to 1.5 years. The muscles are noticeable. The progress is showing. You drink more water and Gatorade. You drink protein shakes before workout. Some of the THICC girls start noticing.

Level 2: Ripped! Ripped can be achieved in 3 to 5 years. Ripped is larger than swole. The muscles start to look even larger. You start to lift even heavier. Even more THICC girls start noticing.

Level 3: Jacked! Jacked can be achieved in 10 to 20 years of consistently going to the gym 30 to 120+ minutes. You look even more buff and people start to notice. Even more THICC girls start noticing.

Level 4: Shredded! Shredded takes 15 to 30+ years to achieve. It's when you're highly muscular. You workout even more. Even more THICC girls notice.

Level 5: Absolute unit! Absolute unit takes anywhere from 25 to 50+ years. You reached the maximum! You're mega-buff. And all the THICC girls start noticing. You reached MAXIMUM GYM RAT! YOU ACTUALLY START GLOWING AND ROCKS AND PEBBLES START LIFTING AND IT LITERALLY LOOKS LIKE DRAGON BALL Z!

Gym Rat: Holy crap! I'm Shredded. But I want more! I want to be an absolute unit!

*lifts and becomes absolute unit.

Vegeta: His Power level is OVER NINE THOUSAND!

by HawaiianPunch1 July 9, 2024

gym rat jerry



by greasypoo22 September 15, 2022