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Hang up the guns

To Retire, settle down.
It's based on the idea of an old gun slinger who finds true love and 'hangs up his guns' to become a farmer.

In modern usage, it could be said about a guy who has previously had lots of casual relationships, or considers himself a 'playa'

"I tell ya man this chick is sooo sweet!"
"So you gonna hang up the guns?"
"Holstering my weapon as we speak"

by Lazy Diamond June 19, 2009

hang up the phone

An annoyed or embarrassed response to the stupidity or incompetence of another. Synonymous with "Shut the fuck up", or "Jesus, you're stupid". Derived from one man's inability to counteract the obliviousness of those around him, to which he blurted it out in frustration. Also, an appropriate reply to an unfunny or otherwise retarded joke.

Bo: "Boy, I have a lot of tools in my garage."

Me: "Hang up the phone, tubby."

by Captain Walleye July 23, 2008

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hang up and drive

What is shouted at the moron driving a 4000 pound motor vehicle and attempting to talk or even text on their cell phone while in motion. These are usually people that cannot multi-task but are either too vain or ignorant to realize it. They are in need of support from the community to let them know what they are doing is going to get someone killed. This is done either with a middle finger, an angry look, a colorful suggestion in a loud voice or a bumper sticker telling them to "hang up and drive." Once being made aware, they should terminate their call immediately and put both hands back on the wheel and pay attention to traffic conditions.

"Hey, you just drifted into my lane because you are driving with your elbows while texting... HANG UP AND DRIVE!"

by Mojo12 August 11, 2009

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Hang up a mirror

Sleeping with coworker

I have to go to my co-workers house to hang up a mirror

by Heyitsme09 August 19, 2020

Facebook Hang up

You are chating with your friend when; boom they are gone! No good bye, Mauh or kiss my ass. Nothing at all! At this point in time you are like WTF, wondering if there connection was bad or something happen to them? You sit there dazed and confused just to find out your "Friend" is an ass and does not feel like typing good bye. The term for this type of individual is Facebook douche bag...

Kelly's Friend is such a Facebook douche bag; she always Facebook Hang up on her.

by Scotty B the facebook G May 4, 2009

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hang-up rule

The person who receives the call has to hang up.

Gis hang up first because I called you. It's the hang-up rule!

by mcr4ever November 29, 2015

Hang up fail

A hang up fail is what occurs in the least opportune moments where you press the hang up button on a call but because of a laggy phone or dirty fingers the call doesn't hang up often resulting in the person on the other end of the line listening to you for a while after you hang up.

You:"okay I gotta do some stuff talk to you later" *presses hang up, sits on toilet... farts loudly*
Person STILL on the line: "I can hear you"

Hang up fail!


You:"okay, talk to you later" *presses hang up button* Jesus, what an unimaginable BITCH!
Person STILL on the phone: "what the F**K?!"

Hang up fail!

by Twitchingdeadgirl August 14, 2014