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One of the choice weapons in any reputable pimp's arsenal. Not quite as good as a pimp slap, as the he-bitch-man-slap can only be used to pimps to male gigolos. However any such threat of the he-bitch-man-slap should be backed up by a wavering of the pimp hand and should make the bitch cower like jelly being eaten by a wobbly man from jim davidson's generation game.

In short: Weapon for controlling He-bitches

"Don't make me he-bitch-man-slap you man!"

by Jeffrey Douglas August 30, 2006

35๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


It's Kinda Like A Pimp Slap But Without Baby Powder, A Little More Brutish

"Hey Buddy, Don't Make Me He Bitch Man Slap You!"

by David Holland, Oliver Marson December 3, 2004

30๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


The ONLY way for a man to properly refer to a bitch slap to another man. This is done by essentialy back handing the other man in question with enough force for his eyes to spin in their sockets, giving him a clear view of his brain.

Guy 1 (loser): "I'm so cool! What up homie! I'm so cool!"
Guy 2 (p.i.m.p.): WHAP! "Bitch! Back off or I'll he-bitch-man-slap you again!"

by BlackZer0 April 23, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

he is bitches

Generally means that a person has a lot of female friends. Instead of saying "he has a lot of bitches," the term is shortened to "he is bitches."

Person 1: Everytime I see Jaime, he's with a different girl.
Person 2: Yeah, I know right. Yo, he is bitches forreal. I'm tryna get like him.

by BitchesLoveSmileyFaces July 31, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

He's a bitch, selfish fuck him killurself you're fucking retarded

He's a bitch, selfish fuck him killurself you're fucking retarded

He's a bitch, selfish fuck him killurself you're fucking retarded

by Beam beam coming home June 19, 2023

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

He-Bitch Man Slap

Weak ineffectual attempt to slap a bloke. Usually delivered by someone who isn't quite manly enough to throw a punch. Wussy and effeminate slap to the face that comes across all girly. The last resort of drama queens.

You call that a hit? That was a He-Bitch Man Slap. I've seen girls deliver right crosses better than that.

by Taylz March 6, 2014


An adult male who acts like a prissy 13year old girl when she doesn't get her way in a relationship. As bizarre and silly as these buffoonish spectacles can be, it loses it's entertainment value once it becomes abusive (which is quite common). Symptoms of selective testicle ascending syndrome include but are not limited to: spiteful gossiping about his SO to their friends, effeminate gesturing and sensitivities in private, is in competition with most other males (how she tries to prove her manhood), proves every month for about a week that men do get periods. giving the silent treatment, throwing loud, tearful tantrums in public, hitting herself during those tantrums, putting extra effort into losing weight and improving aesthetics while SO is pregnant, getting having more better quality beauty products, bags and shoes than you, is competitive and tries to make you feel inferior at doing everything. remarks and questions intended to make you doubt or feel bad about yourself, both on a superficial and spiritual level, behaviors normally associated with negative female stereotypes

GF: Do you have to gawk and hit on every woman that walks by? It's so hurtful.
Her/him: Well, lose some weight, or do ____ and maybe you'll get my attention too.

Woman passerby: Eww, what a gross little he-bitch.

by TalkingAlleyMeowth June 14, 2019