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hee hee

A term used by Irving "Magic" Johnson in the dream team documentary "the greatest game nobody ever saw" to describe a sick over the shoulder no-look pass he made.

Charles Barkley said "I wanna take Karl Malone now!" so Charles gets it... fall-away jumper... GOOOD!
I said "Uh-uh Karl! You gotta get him back! You better go down there and get him back!"
Karl went right at him... jump-shot... "You ain't nothing! You ain't nothing, Barkley!"
So then, I came down.... HEE HEE!!!

by noopennames January 9, 2017

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

hee hee hee haw

Something you say sarcastically at at a bad joke in a very plain boring voice
like your are very tired

and at a slightly slower speed
hee hee hee haw

everyone else: hee hee hee haw

by manwithrobloxaddiction September 6, 2022

Hee Hee!

A term used by Michael Jackson (The King of Pop) in many of his songs. Usually describes a state of happiness or excitement.

"Ch'mone, HEE HEE! Oww! The way you make me feel!"

by JacksonFan90 March 7, 2010

424πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Hee hee

The best way to laugh. Often used by the singer dubbed as the King of Pop (Michael Jackson).

🎡The way you make me feel! You really turn me on! You knock me off of my feet! Hee hee!🎡

by Ilove2tour April 29, 2018

80πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Hee Hee

Popularized by Micheal Jackson, it is usually yelled at a very high pitch. Yell/Scream this at random times to make an everyday, boring conversation amusing/annoying.

Guy#1: Nice weather we're having. Perfect for the company picnic.
Guy#2: Yeah i guess....HEE HEE

Kid: Mom! whats for dinner?

by Cwhite17 September 22, 2010

206πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Hee hee

A Micheal Jackson noise.

Billie Jean is not myyyy lover she’s just a girl fhuiweiuehifuwiojfewjiod hee hee.

by Xx QwQ xX May 20, 2019



Now go to slide 5 and do the activi- HEE HEE

by Deovol June 16, 2021