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shit hemorrhage

A fit of usually justified rage or frustration, profound and theatrical enough to be comparable in magnitude and splendor to a catclysmic outburst of feces and blood.

If you don't get that report in on time, you know darn well he'll have a shit hemorrhage. Boy, did she ever have a shit hemorrhage when I pranged her car.

by wordcollector September 27, 2010

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

cerebral hemorrhage

1. Severe bleeding of the brain.
2. Severe bleeding of the brain caused by exposure of a person of average intelligence(the victim) to a case of extreme mental ineptitude, such as that which would be demonstrated by a damned idiot.
3. Something that would cause such effects.
4. A term used to describe extreme annoyance at stupidity.

After the blood vessels in his brain were ruptured, the man died from cerebral hemorrhage.

Person A: Did you know that, statistically, women make significantly less money than men?
Person B: Oh my God, stop being sexist!
Person A: *passes out*
Person A(after regaining conciousness): Holy Shit, that was the worst bout of cerebral hemorrhage I've had in years.

That movie was cerebral hemorrhage.

Moronic comments give me cerebral hemorrhage.

by LivingHell October 24, 2004

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cornbread hemorrhage

A violent temper tantrum, similar to a caniption.

When Mom finds out you got mud on her new carpet she's gonna throw a cornbread hemorrhage!

by Charles Wood April 10, 2007

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shit hemorrhage

When one becomes so enraged or frustrated that his ass actually explodes in gouts of blood.

In Counter-strike: "Man, he just got knifed again! He must be having a shit hemorrhage!"

by El Asso Wipo December 2, 2003

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Hemorrhagic Technophilia

A disorder in which one bleeds technology!

that greg spends all his time researching new martin products. He totaly has a bad case of hemorrhagic technophilia.

by Gregy miccuntmuffin March 11, 2010

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8-ball hemorrhages

The appearance of the eye(s) following a beating that resembles the black (8-ball) in pool.

John had been beaten and had 8-ball hemorrhages from the head wound.

by green923jade April 27, 2017

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Alien Brain Hemorrhage

A cocktail intentionally made to look insane. Consists of half a shot glass full of peach schnapps, with Bailey’s Irish Cream poured on top. Once the shot is almost full, a small amount of blue curacao is added, and once that settles, a small splash of grenadine tops the drink off.

"Hey, what is that thing that looks like an atomic war on a different planet, and am I really expected to put this in my mouth?"

"Its an Alien Brain Hemorrhage. Enjoy, it's delightful."

by Elia K. January 30, 2012

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