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abreviation of hilarious, only used by the coolest of people,

buzz last night was hilar

by eyeball paul March 19, 2007

243πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


1. Extremely funny.
2. Highly hilarious.

Alternate pronunciation

"Superbad in one word, hilareal!"

"That new Chris Rock HBO special was hilareal."

"Jon Stewart and Bill maher should do a show together, they hilareal."

by piet h. September 6, 2007

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


When something is really funny but not quite funny enough to actually finish the word hilarious!

Todays urbandictionary.com Word of the Day is hilare!

by Melizssy August 14, 2010

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A real-life situation that is comical to the point of seeming fabricated. If you've ever said "that can't be real" only to find out that it was true, you've experienced hilareality. First broadcast on 710 KIRO's radio show "Too Beautiful To Live", read by host Luke Burbank from a fan's email.

The example of hilareality given on the radio show is of a Jacksonville-based Lasik eye surgeon named Robert I. Schnipper...

by Jeff-DC July 2, 2008

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Slurringly exclaimed while under the influence, this adjective may used to describe someone who is both hilarious and hysterical

adjective; combination of {hysterical} {Hilarious}

Me: "That Timmy is so hilarical, he makes me wet my pants" (hic**)
Mikey: "Me too, hand me another adult sized pull-up" (burp)

by Bubbles04 January 19, 2009

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


an excessive amount of funniness; a mix between hilarious and hysterical

β€œwhat a funny story! that is hilarical”

by wildmomma July 21, 2020


hilarious but horrible at the same time.

"dude one time i pooped in a empty potato chip bag!"

"thats straight up hilarable."

by BigBabySweets62 October 1, 2011