Source Code

holy roller

When a guy is about to come, and the person they are with takes a pinky-size crucifix and shoves it into their hole, before roughly yanking it out, causing semen and blood to come out.

"Dude, she caught him cheating, and she Holy Rollered his ass"

"Man, I'm out of action. This girl gave me a Holy Roller, it hurt like hell!"

by Whateva grrrl July 14, 2008

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holy rollered

to be dumped by someone so they can pursue their relationship with God.

Damn Ryan, you just got holy rollered!

by Geoff P March 8, 2005

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Holy Roller

Term used to describe a person or persons that claims to be a Christian and also tends to think they are the ultimate authority , and ALWAYS right, regarding all things God,Church and the Bible. "Holy Rollers" love talking about and judging other people and then acting like they are best friends when they see the person(s). Many times this is because said "Holy Roller" isn't the perfect Christian they claim to be and talking about other's will keep the focus OFF of them and their hypocrisy.

Look Mom, here comes Amy. She was a wild one in High School, but acts like a Holy Roller these days.

Uggh, that church is full of Holy Rollers. I see them drinking at the bar on Friday, and judging people that drink on Monday.

by Southern Humanist February 21, 2019

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Holy Roller

The one of-a-kind Peavey amplifier used by Mike Hair to be excellent. The Holy Roller features a 15" woofer, 60 watts of tube power, and custom wheels, making it a true hoss

The Holy Roller is a hoss.

by P-Tail November 11, 2006

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Holy rollers

Annoying gold diggers who have nothing better to do than go to church and punish their kids for no reasons && are way too over protective. They walk around singing "i will boast in the lord my god...i will boast in the one whos worthy...hes worthy" where you hear that song you know you have come across a holy roller.
aka SONYA=/

Holy rollers dont condone sexual behavior or talking to anyone of the opposite sex (but have 30 kids). Holy rollers are major hypocrites.

by Taylor-Marie March 6, 2008

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Holy Roller

A member of a church service audience whose enthusiasm is anything but graceful or gracious. Their behavior is considered out-of-bounds and over-the-top; behavior similar to a person having a manic episode.

From the book, The Color of Water, James McBride describes one particular person in the pews of a church service, "They were mostly women, big mamas whom I knew and loved, but when the good Lord climbed into their bones and lifted them up toward Sweet Liberty, kind, gentle women (holly rollers) who mussed my hair and kissed me on the cheek and gave me dimes would burst out of their seats like Pitssburgh Steeler linebackers. "Oh yessss!" they'd cry."

For those who know a little about basketball, it's embarrassing when a defender falls for a fake. They jump needlessly, and give a wide open lane or shot to the opposing offense.

"Bubba, was that your mom last Sunday in the aisle?"
"Yeah, she can be some what of a holy roller."

by Nick Psiaki September 1, 2006

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Holy Roller

A gang member turned religious in prison.

whats his name from that one hood got locked up now hes a holy roller

by joemhuhuih August 17, 2008

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