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homo sapien

a human

"im a homo sapien"
" me too"

by unknownweirdo December 8, 2018

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Homo sapiens karenus

A recently discovered new subspecies of humans. Also known as a KAREN. They are aggressive and some of them have a bowl haircut. They love to demand to speak to managers.

Listen guys a new living human subspecies other than us are discovered, they are Homo sapiens karenus.

by Saitama 777 July 31, 2020

Homo Sapien Fucktardis

It is the scientific name for the plague/group of people known as "fucktards" that seems to be spreading amongst the youth of the Western hemisphere, these people have a tendency to have a Second Year of Secondary School state of maturity, and are stuck like this for the rest of their life. They are also the people who take your order and then fuck it up.

Anya: Some fucking chav thought it would be funny to stick gum in my library book so now I have to pay a fine that will make me and my family even more in the gutter. He is now considered a Homo Sapien Fucktardis since he's a frig gen collage student.

by ThatOneScottishCommunist September 2, 2011

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Homo Sapiens Retardus

An offspring of the MySpace generation.

The Homo Sapiens Retardus is, in short, a mentally challenged (self-centered) and/or physically challenged (collar popping) individual. They are usually frowned upon by other members of the Homo genus.

Michael cannot get a passport because he is listed as a 'Homo Sapiens Retardus' in the citizen-register.

by Yonasu August 17, 2008

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Homo sapiens karenus

Scientific name of a Karen. These are a newly discovered living subspecies of Homo sapiens other than us. They are aggressive, hot tempered people. Sometimes having a bowl haircut.

The Homo sapiens karenus demanded the employee to speak to the manager.

by Saitama 777 July 31, 2020

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Homo Sapien Propulsifier

A grav lift, or a device used to propel a human or small vehicle, or Grif, across large distances on open maps.

The newest invention of the Bungie Labs, the Homo Sapien Propulsifier, or grav lift, is perfect for propelling humans across the map in the event of a co-ordinated attack.

by Idlewheelman February 4, 2010

homo sapien conservatissphincterus

homosapiens conservatissphincterus

A member of the Hominoidea superfamily of primates including apes and homosapiens sapiens. Although clearly human-like in appearance, DNA testing has revealed that the homosapiens conservatissphincterus is more closely related to Homosapiens neanderthalensis.

The homosapiens conservatissphincterus retains many of the Homosapiens neanderthalensis’ behaviorisms and lacks the social development and interaction skills of the more advanced homosapiens sapiens.

Inability to understand complex problems, inability to extend altruistic or sympathetic actions beyond the immediate tribe and the inability to distinguish between reality and fantasy are common characteristics displayed by Homosapiens conservatissphincterus.

Scientists are still trying to figure out how the two species, homosapiens sapiens and homosapiens conservatissphincterus, are able to breed and produce offspring. The rest of us are trying to figure out why.”

The homo sapien conservatissphincterus thinks children should die if their parents can't afford health care or medical bills.

by Father Fettucinne, FSM March 17, 2010

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