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Hot Sauce

Hot sauce, also known as chili or pepper sauce, is a sauce commonly made with spicy peppers and spices. It is great on titties and chicken.

I told the waiter I want hot sauce on my chicken.
I told her turn around and I put hot sauce on her tits.

by BaddBitch17 February 28, 2018

11👍 6👎

Hot sauce

When a girls sees a hot bro


by Coleyrae March 22, 2020

Hot sauce

Waiter (lets call him Brodie): do you want any *steamy breath* hoot sauce with That meal?? Customer (lets call him gunnar): oh yes, in fact I would. could I have it *pause* extra Spicey? Brodie: *puts hand on Gunnar’s hand* *erotically* coming riight up, come with me. Gunnar: gladly my prince, but don’t forget the hot sauce! *winks* Brodie: ohh I would never my dear ghost pepper (<—— addressing gunnar). *brodie picks up hot sauce. Yells at manager that he has to go* Brodie: lets go, my cars this way. * they hop into Brodie’s mustang and drive away to a nearby motel* *they sign into the front desk, and make their way up to the room under tense silence* gunnar: where’s the hot sauce? Brodie: I have it right “here” * Brodie points at his dick* could you help me get it out? Gunnar: gladly if it’s for my hot sauce!! *brodie gives the fly of his jeans to gunnar, who bites it and slowly pulls it down* brodie: do you mind going a little faster? Otherwise I might not be able to handle, this, heaat. Gunnar: uuhuuh. Brodie: oh yes!! *gunnar pulls Brodie’s pants all the way down. Brodie’s boxers had a large bulge in them so gunnar slowly pulled those back to, hoping it was the hot sauce* brodie: you might be surprised, but that’s not ONLY the hot sauce. * gunnar pulls boxers down revealing the hot sauce as well as Brodie’s fully erectile douche dick* Brodie: have fun! * brodie pours hot sauce around his douche dick*

I like the hot sauce with ALL of my meals ;)

by BIG Dong 12” July 1, 2019

5👍 1👎

Hot Saucing

The depraved sexual act of eating out a woman on her period via facesitting. Comparable to eating hot wings at Buffalo Wild Wings due to the red stains around the face and the taste afterwards.

Person 1: Yo Dave, you have some spicy wings last night man?
Person 2: Nah man, I was just Hot Saucing with Karen last night.
Person 1: The fuck man

by BowtieB December 3, 2014

4👍 1👎

hot sauce

what comes out when a mexican ejaculates

man that beaner was full of hot sauce!

by james harper January 3, 2008

41👍 36👎

Hot Sauce

Someone who adds unwanted spice to a situation.

We were just chillin in the club and then Neil came and hit that guy in the face for no reason. That kid's hot sauce."

"Oh great, here comes hot sauce."

by Dan Sharfin November 21, 2005

87👍 84👎

hot sauce

this is a word used to express coolness or hotness.

yo son did u see the new olympic 7's? them shits is mad hot sauce!

by dog August 10, 2004

54👍 51👎