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The Hot Seat

The warm sensation one feels on their bum using the toilet seat after another individual.

I was going to take a nice and peaceful dump, but to my unpleasant surprise, I was greeted with the hot seat. Thanks DAD.

by Bearsh January 6, 2017

Hot Seat

Stuffing a handful of Cinnamon Red Hots candies in your girlfriend's snatch prior to an extended car ride mistakenly thinking it will induce sexual urges. It never works.

Sometimes referred to as The MotorCity Hot Seat as it was reportedly the ill-concieved notion of a jackass from Detroit.

Biff: Before our trip to Houghton Lake I gave my girl The Hot Seat. 30 minutes later she was washing her cooch in a truckstop sink. Damn. That thing looked like Oopsy The Clown sticking his tongue out!

by 1troglodite April 7, 2009

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Hot Seat

A game where you tell 3 sex stories, 1 funny, 1 scary, and the best one. Usually played on the way back from sports games on the back of the bus.

"Guys, we're playing hot seat if we win on the way back."

by Torva December 6, 2014

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THE Hot Seat

When two people have to poop at the same time. They perform the Hot Seat.

Subject one sits on the toilet with legs spread to make a hole, while subject two faces subject one and sits on his lap and poops between subject ones legs.

Harold and I had to take a shit, so we went ahead and did the hot seat.

by Catastrophic ASS Blaster July 31, 2016

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Hot Seat

There are two ways to define this word.The school way, and the "other way"... The school way is when you read a book and you impersonate the character as your teacher asks you questions that you have to answer as if you are the character. The "other" way is basically when you sit in a chair and have someone act lets just say "hot" around you which makes you feel hot. Which is why it is called the (hot seat.)

"Hey, let's do it in the (hot seat)"
"I was actually scared when they said I was going to become a wizard and live in Hogwarts!"

by Mary Elizabeth Wilson January 27, 2018

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Hot Seat

The passenger seat of a car where the dirty dirty is done.

Bro, i just took this bitch to the hot seat last night.

by fire penguin disco panda April 16, 2020

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Hot Seat

Somewhere that everyone has been before

Ged: β€œYo Dan chill you’ve been in the hot seat before… Don’t make fun of pro surfer Morgan.”

by pipitup_ August 15, 2024