Source Code

Hot Wings

When A Female Is On Her Period A Man/Woman Puts Ranch Dressing On Her Vagina And Eats Her Vagina Out.
How You Would Eat Hot Wings Is With Ranch Her Blood Is The Hot Sauce Like On The Hot Wings.

Guy:Guess What I Did To My Girl Last Night In Bed.
Guy's Friend: What?
Guy: I Did Hot Wings On Her.
Guy's Friend:Ew!

by D&L Baby!!! September 22, 2010

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Hot Wings

The title earned for giving oral sex to a woman on her period, while she is having digestive issues due to spicy food.

I earned my Hot Wings last night. Indian food is probably not the best first date choice.

by JasonHSeattle February 2, 2011

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Asian Hot Wing

When you go down on your girlfreind/wife during "her time" of the month.

Tom: "I heard Jim likes Asian Hot Wings."
Craig: "I heard stacy gave him Asian Hot Wings!"

by ZachThyDestroyer June 4, 2015

shitting hot wings

The dreaded feeling of intense pain and heat in your asshole, most commonly occurring when, but not limited to, eating hot wings. It gets so bad that you are conflicted as to whether you should push it all out or hold it in out of fear. Its the worst and most unsatisfying dump anyone can have.

"yo dick, you wanna go out tonight?"

"I dont think so dude, Im shitting hot wings, so my world is coming to an end."

by thedumpmaster November 16, 2009

hot wing

when her vagina is that torn up it appears to have a hot wing hanging from it

"dude did you see her pussy, it was nasty af"
"yeah bro it looked like it had a hot wing hanging off it"

by acidtrap August 24, 2015

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Hot Wing Season

Term used to describe when a girl is on her period

derived from term Hot wings--when guy fingers a girl on her period and gets blood on his hand

Guy: wanna go back to my place?
Girl: Thats cool but I cant do anything because its Hot Wing Season

by randy black April 15, 2007

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Canadian hot wings

In the act of pumping at least a gallon of horse seamen into a human asshole

I Christian Ellis, gave a bitch such Canadian hot wings that she couldn't even walk the next morning

by Nuttsack 69, Christian Ellis November 6, 2011

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