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A woman with a hot head

1. One who wears gold streaks in their hair

2. One who stops traffic before the light even turns red

3. One who sweats and blushes before you've even said anything

4. One who's hair you just wanna stroke

5. One who's cute, beautiful, sweet, ditzy and hot all at once

6. One who sexually entices Mexican and Puerto Rican men in the middle of road construction

7. One who invented sexual grunge of the 90s

8. One who tells so many lies, then kisses you with toothpaste

9. One who has sticky hard streaks in their hair and walks around smelling like sweet candy all day long

10. Any woman born under the zodiac sign Aries, thus making them a hothead

by AliceinWomanland February 5, 2008

9πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž


Hannah hector on her period

Hannah is such a hothead

by Swagyyy January 21, 2021


Someone who has a hot or goodlooking head. A word normally used as a compliment towards someone of the opposite gender.

Wowee she has a hothead.

by EffectiveTeaching September 3, 2017

4πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Colombian hothead

The act of setting someone’s hair on fire to send a message.

I gave that girl a colombian hothead, it smelled terrible but i sent that bitch a clear message.

In Modern Family Gloria explained what the true meaning of a colombian hothead was.

by Rsdbaat June 10, 2020

Senator Hothead

Nickname of Senator John McCain (Rep-AZ), bestowed upon by several publications because of the hot temper he exude when being asked questions by reporters.

Reporter: "Senator McCain, did you have a conversation with Senator Kerry in the 2004 election?"

Senator Hothead: "Yes, bitch!! You know damn well I did!! Now back the fuck off!!"

Reportor: "To follow up, what did you guys talk about?"

Senator Hothead: "Bitch, it was a goddamn private conversation!!"

by mnihnuht March 8, 2008

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