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i cant swim

a verb most commonly said by people of the black community

guy #1 - hey! lets go swimming! oh, wait.
guy #2 - oh helzz nah mainn. i from da ghetto. up therr we swim in da blood of me brothas, not in this pussy-ass-nigga-water. i cant swim.

by bitchhpleassee March 7, 2011

20๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

I cant breath

Thats what a black man said before the crazy cop killed him...This black man had 5 criminal records,but this doesnt justify his death.However it was no racism ,the cop had mental illness or whatever.Stop looting the fucking stores and listening to Billie Eilish etc.. Moreover all lives matter you dumbass

Normal person:*made a poster and peacefully stands on the street protesting.
Brainless i cant breath person:-Ahhh, a new pair of shoes.Nice

by Qw3elTheSeal June 12, 2020

12๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Words that Dipshits also know as fortnite kids say while playing games like pubg and warzone


by BobDabuilda_Can_we_build_it May 10, 2021

i cant breathe

just incase any police are reading. specifically minneapolis. you need to know that I CANT BREATHE means someone - can - not - breathe. periodt bitch

"i cant breathe. sir please i cant breathe. NO JUSTICE NO PEACE BITCH"

by Miss mystery . July 24, 2020

15๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

i cant hold it in anymore

*LG echo ringtone* ya know?

i cant hold it in anymore i just wanna *LG echo ringtone* ya know?

by memer420696969420 May 5, 2021


im lagging because Greek mustard a**hole bro ke me computer

can you eat my mom? NO I CANT IM LAGGINg

by BlueColdTails May 12, 2021

i cant do this anymore

Meaning the person is tired of living and wants to die

girl 1 "i cant..."
girl 2 "You cant what! talk to me"
girl 1 "I cant do this anymore..."
girl 1 kills herself

by EMOKID2020 December 17, 2020