Source Code

Urinal Index

A system for determining exactly how "low rent" a bar, restaurant or cafeteria is. To determine a business' standing on the URINAL INDEX, you throw some change into a urinal in the men's room. Every so often you check on it. If no one takes it, you may add some more. The LOWEST amount of change that it finally takes for someone to fish out the piss covered change is that business' score on the Urinal Index.
Originally invented at Darby's Oldtowne Armes, In Brampton Ontario.

Darby's was a 17 (cents) on the urinal index.

by archimedes579 May 16, 2010

88๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rose Index

The Rose index is a simple ratio that signifies the quality of available women in a given city.

The equation is derived off of observed 1-10 rating of people in relationships you view around town.

Quality of Woman / Quality of Man, with 1 being a base case where these two are equal.

The Rose Index is absolutely on fire in Russia! I see these absolute smokeshow 10's holding hands with these portly drunken 4's of men. That's a whopping 2.5 on the Rose Index!

by Esorja November 27, 2014

cylinder index

The total number of internal combustion cylinders in your possession. (vehicles, gas powered equipment, marine and aviation all qualify). Popularized by "Garage Logic" A radio show on Minnesota's AM 1500.

"I have a cylinder index of 48"

by Charlie Dank June 27, 2007

23๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cougar Index

Your Cougar Index is a cummulative score calculated by taking the age difference between your cougar and your self, then multiplied by the number of times that you have nailed them.

This week Pierre's Cougar Index was 106, he nailed the 45 year old 4 times, the 47 year old 3 times and the 50 year old twice! For a 35 year old, he sure does get lucky a lot.

by El Dudarino March 15, 2013

23๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


S-index or Sexy-index is defined as follows: Anyone knows how to rate a girl from 1 to 10. Now s-index of a boy is the maximum x such that he has nailed at least x girls of rank x or more.

Example: Suppose that you have nailed 1 girl of rank 1, 2 girls of rank 2, 2 girls of rank 3, 5 girls of rank 4, 3 girls of rank 5 and 4 girls of rank 8. In this case, your s-index is 5 because you have nailed 5 girls of rank 5 or better and your s-index is not 6 because you have not nailed 6 girls of rank 6 or more.

by Fluffy Smail September 8, 2016

over index

To weight more heavily during decision making than is sensible, or to focus more heavily during a discussion than is warranted.

"You're over indexing on the one time he failed; by and large he succeeds."

by Buzz you October 20, 2020

Index Itch

The act of using an anti-itch cream to settle down the itch on ones trigger finger.

A: "Man, Dave had to go to Walgreens twice last night for his index itch!"

B: "Tommy needed a bottle of itch cream. He said if he didnt get it A.S.A.P. he might take me out!"

C: "Pass the strap, THERE OUT OF GOLD BOND!!!!!"

by BURK-DOG November 27, 2006

38๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž