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The feeling of hopelessness, isolation or being trapped.The inability to make progress. Generally the emotions and feelings associated with being trapped on a desert Island.

Due to lack of resources I'm feeling very Islanded on this project.

by Mr_Skinback January 17, 2007


People that came from island tribes.

ex: philippines,indonesia,malaysia. <- malayo-polynesian
palauans,guamanians,etc <- micronesians
papuans,soloman islanders,etc <- melanesians
samoans,native hawaiians,tongans,etc <- polynesians

and many other places in asia pacific and north america that were inhabited by island tribes.

look at that sexy islander

by Christophurrrrr July 15, 2006

125๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


Funny, smart, sexy and beautiful girl. Usually given to Haitian girls. Izzy is usually their nick name
Islande's are usually very shy at first until they get to know you more. They are very free spirited and love to talk and express their selves. They are faithful but can seem flirtatious. They get a lot of guys attention because of their nice smile fun personality and sexy body. If your Islande does not have an ass on her than she's an impostor. If your dating one, take good care of her as she will do to you. Always treat her good or you'll slip up and lose a good girl. Islande's are very hard to please because of their split personality.

Hey is that your girl bro, she's hot and awesome

Yup that's islande !

by Mconnorq May 7, 2013

23๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


when your stuck in the middle of a busy room when there is no ash tray to be found ! .... and you just simply cant be arsed getting up to get one !

Background: A hobbit like man named Grant was sat balanced precuriously on two desk chairs when he glanced at the people in the room and uttered the words "shit man I'm islanding!"

"SHIT MAN I AM ISLANDING HERE .... someone chuck us an ash tray for christ sakes"

by Keltar son of melvar ! January 4, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Funny, smart, outgoing, and beautiful girl. Usually given to Haitian girls. Izzy is usually their nick name.

Islande's are usually very shy at first until they get to know you more. They are very free spirited and love to talk and express their selves. They are faithful but can seem flirtatious. They get a lot of guys attention because of their nice smile fun personality. If your Islande is not darkskin, you are dating an imposter.If your dating one, take good care of her as she will do to you.

"What's your name ma?!?! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜"
"No wonder ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜"

by http.jvggy December 15, 2014

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


If a cup is separated from the rest of the cups a shooting player may call "island". If called and hit successfully two cups are removed (that cup and any other). If called and another cup is hit that cup stays on the table and no cup is removed.

Dude, did you see that Island call?
Yea man that was legit.

by BeerPonger May 27, 2010

58๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word used to describe yourself as being single usually when one is too ashamed to use the word 'single'.

boy) I'm an island!
girl) Me too!
boy) Let's hook up! ;)
girl) Sounds like a plan

by deadfit April 28, 2009

39๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž