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to place an object in the anal cavity, often large and round.

dude, call me. I am jailbreaking my phone!

by Mr. Swankie Pants January 31, 2009

38๐Ÿ‘ 115๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term morons and teenagers (I'd say fag, but that's homophobic) use in place of "unlock," which refers, in this instance, to hacking a phone so that it may be used with service providers other than those intended by the manufacturer.

Person A: Damn nigga I'm about to jailbreak this phone! No mo' that AT&T shit for me.

Person B: Shut the fuck up.

by You are an Idiot February 11, 2010

31๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž


the act of throwing waterballoons or other suff at a person who is sitting on the toilet in a public restroom and running off

we've been pullin' jailbreaks since ever

by spark March 21, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


When eating a Cheesy Gordita Crunch from Taco Bell, you take a bite and some of the meat/cheese falls out of the other end

Matt: "Man, this cheesy gordita crunch sure is good!"
*takes a bite and some taco meat falls out the back*

Mike: Jailbreak!

by Matt-ame April 22, 2007

16๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of stealing your phone back from your parents after they have "confiscated" it because you went over on texts or minutes.

"Hey text me later about saturday!" Krista
"Sure, oh shit I forgot my parents took my phone! I'll have to jailbreak it!"

by lucy=D July 16, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž


The process of opening your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad to many new possibilities. While Apple allows you to install most apps, jailbreaking allows you to install apps apple doesn't like, as well as tweaks (things like an alarm clock that requires math to unlock, to make sure you're truly up), add-ons (iPod controls in Notification Center), and Themes (change the icons, sounds, and system images of your device, giving it a unique look. You can also fix bugs with iOS before apple does, use your device as a wireless flash drive, change your brightness in 2 seconds flat from anywhere, remove ram restrictions (apps run much, much faster, but some battery life is wasted), tap to unlock instead of slide to unlock, download and save youtube videos to watch offline (or if you think they will be deleted), private browsing (for all your porn needs), terminal access, FaceTime and other restricted apps on 3G, video wallpaper, make your home screen look and work like Android or Windows Phone 7, change system fonts, get "unapproved" apps rejected from (too hot for) the App Store, open a text message from anywhere, customize actions (play music when you plug in to charge (or come home with a date), open a favorite app when you shake your phone at the home screen, etc), extend volume WAY over Apple's limit, and lots more!

You: "I just finished jailbreaking my iPhone! Now I get ALL my $600 worth!"

by Lphil February 8, 2012

45๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


The process of exploiting the flaws of a locked-down electronic device to install software other than what the manufacturer tried to lock the device to onto the device.

Extremist: Now I just installed the 2,160th app to reside on my iPhone 4, but is 2,160 apps really the limit or can I go further?
Geek: Yes, jailbreaking it with FolderEnhancer is the way to do that
Extremist: but... how am I supposed to jailbreak my iPhone 4?
Geek: Go to jailbreakme.com and it will crash iOS' PDF viewer into jailbreaking your iPhone so you will then be able to go beyond the limit when you choose
Extremist: Okay, I've opened that page on my iPhone 4 and slid the slider which I thought would crash the PDF viewer (it did), now it is jailbreaking.
Extremist: I've done it, and Cydia appeared. Is Cydia the thing which will give me the choice of using FolderEnhancer and going beyond the limit?

by TweetyTweet15 December 16, 2012

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž