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Junkyard Jesus

The most epic character from your town. Usually has long hair making them resemble Jesus.

We love you junkyard jesus, make love to me junkyard jesus, please.

You may think he is an every day Joe becuase he works at walmart but the truth is he is Junkyard Jesus.

by lendf8930 April 18, 2011

Junkyard Barbie

A woman whose individual body parts are nice, but they don't match, so her body is like a Barbie doll assembled by taking various parts out of a trash heap.

You are with a friend and see a woman with a cute face, but her head is a bit big for her body. Or she has a nice bosom and an upper body that is right for a 140 pound woman, mixed with thin legs that look like they belong on a woman weighing 105 pounds. You say to your buddy, "check out the Junkyard Barbie over there".

by blackcab996 September 24, 2010

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junkyard turkey

potentially the most problematic term ever created. very racist and offensive to almost every marginalized group. Every time you say it trump gets a boner

"Look at that Junkyard Turkey " "woah don't drop a hard JT like that!"

by sad_alum February 2, 2019

junkyard jangle

when a man tries to hide his premature ejaculation by continued penetration with an improvised phallus

Banged that chick from the organic coffee house last night-

Sweet how did it go?

I fuckin pre-jacked

You cunt! Did you make like a banana and split?

Fuck no, didnt want her to know so i did the ol junkyard jangle finished her off with one of me work boots, she couldnt tell the difference.

by GozUnlimited July 20, 2016

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junkyard dog

Somebody who is strong and good in a fight; a beastly person.

These guys started shit with us, and my friend Mike knocked out all six of them. He's a junkyard dog.

by George February 24, 2005

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Junkyard Special

A multicolored car like a blue and purple door, a green hood and a black bumper/A car that is made from parts of other cars found at the junkyard

"What a dumb looking car"
"Which one?"
"The car over there that has two different colored doors"
"Oh, it's called a Junkyard Special, made from parts from other cars"

by chicagoman619 November 1, 2014

Junkyard Cleavage

People refer to a woman's ample backside as her having "junk in the trunk". And when a woman's top is low-cut, you can see her cleavage. Combine the two, and you have Junkyard Cleavage, which is also an advertisement..."See this? I got a messy kitchen! Come and see for yourself."

When a woman has the low-rise pants and either A) the lower-lumbar tattoo, or B) the thong, or hey...maybe both, she's showing off her Junkyard Cleavage.

by Chewy Kolchuk December 31, 2005

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