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a girl who is the bestest friend in the world, who doesnt give a shit what other people say about her, she loves her style and loves to hang out with friends and people say shes a whore but she just like to impress guys in that sorda way, she cant help it if shes a bf-gf stealer shes just that purdy :3 and she can take a risk, shes not uptight at all. shes up for ANYTHING will plan anything at the last minute

Karli: okay, lets chill at the mall in like 5 minutes xD im bored

by shhh dont tell xD August 10, 2011

153πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


The most amazing girl in the world, by far. Beautiful, smart, sexy, funny, sweet, and perfect by every definition.

Have you met my girlfriend, Karli?" "EPIC WIN BRO

by Brian_The_Dude February 20, 2011

240πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


a hot girl, all the guys follow her around and love her. she also has an amazing body and looks fine in a bikini;)

she is such a karlie, it isnt fair!!!

by beastatcod5278 April 18, 2011

601πŸ‘ 235πŸ‘Ž


Karli is a nice person but can be mean if someone else is to her. She has a lot of guys that like her. She doesn’t like to be mean to her friends. She is pretty, nice, has brown hair. She also think she is annoying but really never is. She’s just an amazing person.

Karli is amazing.

by Yesnomaybesoidk August 23, 2020

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


the coolest prettiest most amzing chick in the entire world.

god, i love karli

by thomas August 22, 2003

893πŸ‘ 405πŸ‘Ž


name of very awesome person

Person 1: "Look, there is Karli!"
Person 2: "Oh I see, awesome."

by awesomehere March 20, 2010

240πŸ‘ 124πŸ‘Ž


the most wonderful and absolutely amazing person in the entire world (besides the creator of this definition) who had the most devoted and wonderful boyfriend. see perfect, goddess, and amazing.

Dear Lord Karli, how can you be such an awesome person with such great taste in music, yet still have time to make me feel soo great? (She has a whole little section in my profile to prove, too!)

by a little birdey August 25, 2003

461πŸ‘ 254πŸ‘Ž