Source Code

Kidney rape

When person (A)gets stabbed in the lower back by person (B), creating a new oriface for person (B) to insert his male sex organ. Person (B) will then slide his male sex organ in and out of the wound, rubbing against person (A)'s kidney tissue. This is often not, if ever, a mutual sex act. Therefor it is called "kidney rape"

I better get this wound in my lower back stitched closed before I become a victim of kidney rape.

by Docjlove June 20, 2015

One Kidney

One Kidney Is A Insult And Rude Humour Insult To A UK Drill Rapper Named Dezzie. Dezzie Is From OFB Gang Which Beefs TPL And Others,TPL Had Shot Dezzie's Kidney,Ambulance had rushed to the scene and made Dezzie OK.

"Yo You Listen To Dat Man's Music" "Ye Fam Its COLD & FIRE" "Ye right One kidney got caught lacking "

by AyyItSoundsCold December 22, 2020

kidney scraper

an extremely large penis (ecpecially in length), that could potentially scrape the kidneys.

Wow! I mean, I've seen some big cocks, but that thing really is a kidney scraper!

by kornhole February 4, 2005

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piss kidney

derogatory term that is factual, and is therefore not a derogatory term. As a result, it makes the user seem useless.

Bob: Don't be such a wanker.
Ben (in response): Don't be such a piss kidney.
Bob: What? What kind of insult is that. You idiot.

(The phrase originates from the television show Peep Show, series four).

by Sir Rory of Prestonia October 19, 2007

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Derogatory insult, used in Peep Show by Mark when he couldn't think of anything more appropriately enraging to call a driver when trying to get run over to avoid his wedding to Sophie.

"You're a piss-kidney."

by The Mysterious Stanley Knife May 29, 2007

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tap a kidney

To urinate.

Man, I really gotta tap a kidney.

by Genku July 29, 2003

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kidney shy

adjective describing the delayed ability to urinate in a public restroom, usually caused by the misapprehension that other people will hear you pee.

Woman returning from the restroom on Girls' Night Out: "Sorry I took so long. There were so many people in there, I got kidney shy."

by N. Fritz May 9, 2008