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King shit

Dewey............................. . . . . .of course its dewey cuz dewey is the coolest

you are such a king shit...
thank u king shit

by dewsta April 5, 2005

8πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž

King Shit of Turd Mountain

Someone who believes that they are at the top of the pecking order, when in reality, they aren't, and the pecking order they think they're top of is also shit.

John thinks he's the best chessplayer in the club. Isn't he just King Shit of Turd Mountain.

by P.S. Taker July 23, 2011

54πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

King Shit of Fuck Mountain

An ironic, white collar phrase best used at the most inappropriate time possible to emphasize how effective you are at beating the corporate bureaucracy. Will simultaneously impress and threaten your fellow coworkers, be they management consultants, lawyers, or investment bankers.

Setting: Office war room on the eve of a major consulting client presentation.

White guy one: Does that discounted cash flow model have a macro coded for…

White guy two: Does it have a macro? Are you fucking kidding me?!? I am King Shit of Fuck Mountain. That Excel spreadsheet would suck my cock at the stroke of a key if I told it to. It’s got a macro for your mom for Christ sake!

by gelf February 21, 2009

132πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

King Shit of Fuck Mountain


1. a: when describing one's self, it is the highest ranking preeminent position over the tallest mountain known to mankind, Fuck Mountain. It certifies one's status and/or authority as being top notch and above all others.

b. when describing another individual, it is a derogatory term to describe the highest ranking preeminent position over a worthless imaginary mountain that no one else gives a fuck about except said individual, Fuck Mountain. It certifies said individual's status and/or authority as being pompous, somewhat obnoxious, and disingenuous.


Carl: "Dude, you play disc golf like a fagbot."
Roy: "You can't talk to me like that; I'm King Shit of Fuck Mountain."


Henry: "I just demolished this lame at air hockey, like a sir."
Merle: "Eat a bag of gorilla dicks; no one cares, King Shit of Fuck Mountain."

by HONKYSAUCE September 9, 2013

40πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

King shit of fuck mountain

Highest seniority of fuck mountain.

Don't you know who I am?...
I'm king shit of fuck mountain.

by HarryCaStle July 4, 2016

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

king shit of terd island

A statement made to or about an individual who thinks highly of themselves and has delusions of grandeur.

Since Ron became supervisor I don't know what has come over him. He has been acting like king shit of terd island when he makes a decision. I'm really beginning to find it irritating.

egotistical self-importance

by TheBigCanucklehead March 15, 2015

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

King-Shit of Fuck Mountain

A term originally coined by comedian Chad Daniels; someone who is "King-Shit of Fuck Mountain" believes they are the most important person in the world. It's pretty much anyone who is extremely cocky.

All fifteen-year-old boys think they're King-Shit of Fuck Mountain.

by GrabStick Mykofsky August 28, 2017

8πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž