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You knew

Acknowledging your greatness, your fortunate circumstances, your luck; in this case it's OK to be boastful

(Brant shows up with hot girlfriend) Adam: "ok bruh...I see you"

Brant: haha...you knew though

by Lushbuttercup February 15, 2019

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brand knew

when you know the style before it becomes popular. also to be ahead of the game. to have knowledge of useless information

yo did you hear that brand new Brand Knew?

yo, you brand knew that that shit before it dropped.

by capdaddy March 3, 2004

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Knew New

Knowing something new, that’s going to be big or become popular.

Q:You got any good beats?
A:Yeah, I got that Knew New! Came out yesterday.

Q:Yooo! What’s that man wearing?!
A: That Knew New! Seen a few cats rocking it now.

by Triggy88 May 20, 2023

Jonesy Knew

The hit that brought the band Keri's Monologue into the hearts of all of Eastern Europe. Concord, California's own folk rock band, "Bland," created a wonderful cover of this touching song. It would make your mom cry.

Here is a lyric: "Jonesy knew what I had lost. Jonesy Knew. Jonesy Knew.

by Ticket May 4, 2005

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Knightly Knews

The repetition of what happened in the last dungeons and dragons session your group played, even though it was only a couple days ago and everyone already knows or it was a huge event and no one forgot it.

DM- So last time we left off with you guys entering the dungeon and finding a giant red dragon
Player- Oh really? Let's just play already and skip the Knightly Knews

by Great Leviathan December 16, 2007

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we been knew

a way to say you already knew something; to point out that the thing someone just said was obvious to a majority of people

"I think bell bottoms might make a comeback this year"
"WE BEEN KNEW, I was wearing them last year, y'all behind"

by boyboyguywillfly August 30, 2017

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I knew what it was

coined by Reggiecuhh - can't be trolled or fucked with; preconceived notion

John: You know that lil runna already been cracked right?
Reggie: I knew what it was nigga

by johnikee April 18, 2022