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To take a shit while sitting on the toilet backwards and hugging the tank like a koala, so that the poos skid mark the bowl and someone else has to scrub it clean.

Has anyone notice how clean the toilet is?
No, I just Koalaed it.

by Poosandwees June 9, 2005

175๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž


A very cute and snuggled creature.
They love climbing puppy's
Need lots of love and attention.
Always need a wet nose no matter what else they will die.
One of their favorite things is playing in the box with puppy.
They need a puppy to love and hold on too when they sleep.

A golden ladrador with a baby koala sleeping in the box. mwah

by golden labrador September 26, 2007

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When you are fucking a girl missionary style and you say youre about to cum and she wraps her legs behind you and locks them so you can't pull out

Man I found he has money so I koalaed his ass

by bea panda May 21, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Strangely enough, koala is slang for the alcoholic beverage absinthe. It originated as just a cover up word for alcohol in general.
Underage kids talking about getting some 'koala' so anybody who listens in, parents or otherwise, won't understand.

Berta: Hey Jimmy! Let's get some koala!
Jimmy: Bitch, last time we did that my mum smelled it on my clothes and beat me with a chair.
Berta: So what. STFU.
Jimmy: Shut yo' mouth hoe, or I pull a jinga out and stab ya.
Berta: Yo mama so fat.
Jimmy's Mom: You called me fat?
*Eats Berta*

by Timolas August 12, 2007

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{verb} to jump on another's back unbeknown to them causing them to fall to the ground

garrett: did you guys just see him koala that guy?

marcus: yea that was amazing how he jumped on his back and pw0ned him!

all: *laugh*

by tyler AKA cheez November 22, 2007

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A term coined by GTLive during a Life is Strange let's play, used as an insult for someone who can't help themselves.

Don't be such a koala!

by SimpleWilson January 5, 2017


A very dangerous mammal that is prone to attack. Also poisonous, these are deadly beast which we must protect ourselves from. Even now many officials are considering bombing all koala habits to destroy these dangerous beasts. Alternate definiton: a whore.

For more information on these hideous creatures go to koalasrus.com

by Reagan teh Nonsexual Lesbian January 11, 2005

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