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Koo Koo Monsu

Koo Koo Monsu Is a term given to my best friend in the world, she loves Cookie monster and has a heart of gold, she is the kindest and sweetest person in the world! she's amazing and someone named amber loves her dearly and won't leave her side, she's really good at video games and has a knack for playing reaper. she's my lil' "Koo Koo Monsu"

"do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior the Koo Koo Monsu?..."

by ThatOneAmber December 6, 2020

Koo koo Kachu

Coo Coo Kacu is modernized for the old English Term Cuckold - which refers to a mans wife having carnal relations with another man while she is still married to him, the cuckold. Thus coco kachu - Mrs Robinson - as between Ann Bangkroft and Dustin Hoffman in the movie The Graduate

Refer to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, The Graduat Movie with Dustin Homan - Song lyrics to the Graduate include the term Coo Coo Kachu. Maybe I am just too old but what I remember is that in the movie The Graduate, Mrs Robinson, the person the song was about was taunted with koo koo kachu Mrs Robinson referring clearly to the fact that Mr. Robinson was a cuckold. This term coming from old English and meaning that the cuckold's wife, Mrs. Robinston, was screwing another man while she was still married.

I was in college when The Graduate came out and this was discussed for at least two full class sessions. We were also dicussing Chaucers Canterbury Tales at the time where one of the main characters was also cuckold.

by Javaman74 January 24, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

koo-koo box

another name for a vagina ... because well, we all know vagina makes the boys go koo-koo!!

Man, check out that koo-koo box !! thats damn good right there !!

by Ms. Bitch Plays Rough December 29, 2010

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Koo Koo Kachoo

it means always and forever

"i love you koo koo kachoo" means i love you always and forever.....well thats what i tell my girlfriend anyway

by melonfood April 7, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 155๐Ÿ‘Ž

koo koo hole

the part of the female anatomy, also known as the vagina, that makes women crazy.

hey baby, let me check out your koo koo hole.

by xenoflux May 26, 2006

2๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Koo Koo Kachoo

When you drink too much, eat something bad or your sick you throw up.

That guy drank too much. He looks like he's gonna Koo Koo Kachoo.

by Julia January 20, 2004

23๐Ÿ‘ 146๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A term of endearment, often expressed by members of mop-top haired boy bands, but rarely publicly. Often said moments before orgasm.
2. From that Beatles record

Hey, beautiful, come here, snuggle up... koo-koo-ka-chooka-koo-koo-ka-choo!

by Golf maven April 26, 2005

167๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž