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Love sick

The overwhelming feeling one has for another, unable to shake that emotion. Being utterly in love with someone, normally unintentionally. The feeling of not wanting to be without that special someone , even if it's one sided .

John: 'Why can't you get over her, she broke your heart.'
David: ' I can't . I don't think I'll ever get over her. '
John:' you've got it bad bro. You're love sick. '

by CH1LLZ._ November 8, 2019

9đź‘Ť 2đź‘Ž

love sick

when you are so desperate that you check your cell phone every 5 minutes, just in case your ex has called or texted you.

And guess what ?!!! she hasn't. she is just having a great time with another man or a group of friends which didn't get along with you,

Sammy was so love sick with sandra that he couldn't even watch a movie through.

by SF boy July 27, 2010

34đź‘Ť 46đź‘Ž

love sick

fucked up in the head about love

A: im hella done with love
B: naah hymie you just love sick

by +dan-yell September 9, 2008

43đź‘Ť 61đź‘Ž

Love Sick

Love Sick (see also Unrequited Love)...best friends of the opposite sex who have known each other for decades but never got their crap together at the same time to “be together”. They know literally everything about each other, and have hooked up over the years (not to be confused with “friends with bennies”). They are each other’s “person”.

Love Sick becomes “Love Sick” when one party (often the guy) suddenly realizes he totally fucked up and didn’t marry their “person”, but married “bat shit crazy” instead.

Despite both parties now able to be together, the Love Sick person will have an epically dumbass reason why he cannot (the bat shit crazy wife he divorced but she won’t move out).

Love Sick usually gets totally honest with bat shit crazy wife, who becomes obsessed with “the girl”, making life a living hell for Love Sick with constant fights.

Love Sick becomes OCD with unrelenting thoughts about his “person”, interfering with his ability to do his job. Refer to movie AIRPLANE. Can’t land a plane.

“Why did I get married? I’m so love sick for this chick, dude! I can’t get her out of my head! “

“She’s single. You’re DIVORCED but won’t leave your bat shit crazy EX WIFE! Get your shit together!”

by wordexperienced January 13, 2019

12đź‘Ť 65đź‘Ž

love sick fool

A person so in love they barley see who the person really is, they only see what they want the person to be. Such a shame.

Friend #1: look at her crying over him again.
Friend #2: watch her get back with him after he cheated 7 times
Love sick fool: I don’t care! I still live him!

by Sunflower Tears February 11, 2019

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Love Sick Puppy Dog

A look you get in your eyes or a smile you get when seeing or talking to your dream partner.

Normally used by someone who witnesses this to make fun of them.

Q: Why are you laughing at me?

A: You look like a love sick puppy dog!

by kettle__ September 8, 2010

106đź‘Ť 11đź‘Ž


An over affectionate display of petting, particulary involving two ugly people.

Have you seen Mell & Anne? A definate case of sick-love!

by Damian Lappin November 12, 2003

229đź‘Ť 48đź‘Ž