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Vampire Lunchtime

The act of cunnilingus on a female undergoing menstruation.

-"Wanna do it?"
-"Sorry, I'm on my period..."
-"Vampire Lunchtime!"

by frothundaa June 16, 2009

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lunchtime with smosh

a series made by smosh of the classic era where you see them eat lunches and find twitter questions

time to binge watch the classic smosh vids starting of with lunchtime with smosh

by sourarcticfox November 11, 2021

Lunchtime uno

The action of religiously playing uno every lunchtime at school even though half of the deck gets stolen buy random roadmen each time.

"Why does that group of people play uno at break every day?"
"Oh, this is normal. They're playing lunchtime uno."

by YourMySussyLayla April 19, 2023

Lunchtime destinations

Commonly used to descirbe lunchtime destination in WHitley BAy High School.


The white television = Whitley Bay

The green radio = sainsburys

Vender Mish = Vending machines

Maverick aka magic mathers, randy andy and andrew mathers = Andy Mathers

Du Le Cantina = The cantine

Jockstraps chippery = Jockeys Whips

The fronteir of all destinations = front street aka fronters

by Alastair December 10, 2004

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lunchtime eyes

Meaning someone is giving you the eye/fancies you.
Hungry eyes
Giving you lunchtime eyes (bit of hunger in them)

Yer man is giving you lunchtime eyes

by higgobia October 26, 2011

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lunchtime double-masking

A cool and at least partially effective way to mask up while eating your lunch.

Her wildly clever technique of lunchtime double-masking totally blew my mind!

by Dr Bunnygirl August 6, 2020

Legend Of Their Own Lunchtime

A person who thinks very highly of themselves, for no apparent reason. They tend to be arrogant and self obsessed, and will usually be found clinging in large groups of ''popular'' people, or the ''in-crowd''. They will copy other people on what they think is ''cool'', and do not have their own unique style in anything whatsoever. However, they tend not to have any true friends, and often use this portrayal of themselves to cover up their insecurity.

Beth: ''Ugh, look at her, swanning around like she owns the place.... Its horrible!"
Lucy: ''Don't worry, everybody knows she's a Legend Of Their Own Lunchtime - no one really likes her!"

by Shushannaaaaa September 27, 2010

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