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A portmanteau of the MAGA acronym and the word maggots. "Magats", there for, are the most despicable examples of trump supporter, especially when they are out of control, disrespectful teens.

Did you see those MAGATS harassing that woman in Washington d.c. before they decided to harass that native man?

by JaeSquared January 22, 2019

411๐Ÿ‘ 295๐Ÿ‘Ž


Devoted followers of disgraced former US President and reality TV d-lister, Donald Janus Trump. Despite inciting domestic terrorists to attempt a coup in the final days off his presidency and fleeing the country like a pussy to avoid prosecution, Trump maintains a group of faithful dimwits that dismiss his visible crimes and extreme stupidity. Generally not the first people you would go to for advice, they will loudly use phrases they don't understand to justify their unyielding devotion to a worthless liar.

They are generally missing teeth and don't think it's necessary to wash their hands after scratching inside or near their crotches or assholes. Typically under 80 IQ, but often sexist and always racist.

"Them patriots that busted up the electoral college with their illegal weapons ain't as bad as them BLM protesters that tried to demonstrate against black people getting shot in the back. Oh, my Lord and savior, presidential loser Donald JC Trump sure Made America Great Again by excusing shooting them blacks and nearly killing all of Congress and the vice president. Law and order!" said the mindless MAGAt.

"Oh, and did you hear about Kamala repeating MLK, Jr? What a fucking <sexist expletive>! I swear, all these socialists want to do is give me money for nothing and rob this great country of our God-given right to shoot <racist expletive>."

by RealPatriot January 8, 2021

52๐Ÿ‘ 162๐Ÿ‘Ž


A full-on Trump supporter, the type who's interviewed by every anti-Trump media source to demonstrate how Stepford they can get.

Usually found in large, close-packed crowds protesting against something that's in their best interest, wearing the merch, and vehemently repeating whatever has most recently spewn from their demigod, even if it directly contradicts what spewed from him last week. Often claim to be Christian but can only (mis)quote Old Testament fragments that make the Dead Sea Scrolls look like a Russian novel.

The Million MAGAt March - what base was that counted in?

by Oil Can Harry November 15, 2020

39๐Ÿ‘ 158๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) Make America Great Again Twat: a soft-bodied shameless individual who exhibits unconditional love and unreserved attachment for donald trump;

2) a whimsical fancy.

1) "Once Donald Trump was expunged from office, MAGATs began their search for a new host"
2) "The MAGATs attacked the roots of democracy"

by benkyo January 8, 2021

148๐Ÿ‘ 198๐Ÿ‘Ž


Make America Great Again Trump Supporters

It's true, he really could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and the MAGATS would still vote for him!

by talk2me-JCH2 September 19, 2023

21๐Ÿ‘ 154๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who downvotes the other definitions of the word "MAGAt" on Urban Dictionary.

"Bro, this definition of "MAGAt" was downvoted 9 times by other MAGAts."

by AdmiralAckbar1 January 10, 2021

30๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž


Donald Trump loyalists

MAGAts will defend their hero Trump regardless of the damage it does to American democracy .

by Semolina Pilchard February 19, 2018

3894๐Ÿ‘ 8395๐Ÿ‘Ž