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meat shield

A person who interferes with two other people having sexual intercourse simply by their presence. Essentially the same as a cock blocker.

Dude, I totally would have banged that girl at the White Deer, but her fat friend was a total meat shield.

by Pookasydi July 11, 2008

7👍 30👎

Meat Shield

A fagboi that runs in front of another player to give them more of a chance to not die.

"That meat shield faggot."

by Goder555 March 6, 2016

1👍 3👎

Meat Shield

A condom

I gotta hookup with Stacy tonight and need to pick up some meat shields

by Bud-Wiser2000 May 6, 2023

Child meat-shields

Literally every conflict on the conservative end turns into child meat-shields.

Hym "Nah. You're a retatd. Fuck you and your child meat-shields. The fact that I'm being boxed out of my own labor why you are being boosted to spread retarded bullshit is an affront to thought."

by Hym Iam June 17, 2024