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To be high as fuck from smoking marijuana, weed, or/and that loud... etc.

After smoking a few blunts of that good good, I feel well medicated.

by MistahRigoh October 3, 2016

44👍 5👎


A class in the game TF2 that is deemed defenseless and only purpose is to heal the team's heavy.

This is not true..

For one, it caught at close range of a medic, one might try to attack...
Ending up getting there ass handed to them by a HEALER CLASS. You should NEVER mele a medic, they are surprisingly strong at close range.

They also heal more than just the heavy unless they are a pocket medic witch will stay with they're heavy or other class that they are pocketing.

There is also the dredded...
Battle medic.
These medics fall into one of two catagorys, The:
- I'm pissed at my team and need to let out my inner demons on the other teams medic for a minute before I just rage quit.
Or the
- Fuck you I can do what I want, I don't care if you need a healer O can play as the medic how I want to.... Uh... *insert something really inaproprite here, thanks for that *insert edgy username here* *

There is also the ability to "übercharge" a player on the same team (or a spy on the other team). It is normaly used on the teams heavy, although there are some other classes that can also be extremely use full when übercharged like the solider, scout(if achuly willing to cooperate) and the demo If they know how to use the charge to its fullest potential. I'm not saying that only these classed are useful when charged, but are the most common for a beginner.

As the last thing i will say...

Please for the love of god stop spaming your E key.

Thank you.

Medic! : what you yell when you want to get healed in battle or piss off your medic, resulting in them leaving

"Wow, That Medic really seems to hate us"
"I know, he refuses to heal us"

"Dok, com'on man!" -scout
"MEEEEEEDIIIIIIC" -litterly everyone
"Come with me doctor" -spy
"Help me, hirr doctor" -medic No.2

by KarmalZeDummkopf October 10, 2018


1. A medical professional deployed on the battlefield to heal wounded soldiers

2. One of the words which can be used in place of or conjunction with wordCall in an air strike/word


by gaselite August 15, 2003

163👍 41👎


something you scream when you are low on health and keep screaming until either you find a health pack or someone heals you

scout: i am low on health MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC oh wait nvm i found a health pack

by manly pseudonym November 9, 2019


another term for smoking weed

Person 1: yo man are you tryna medicate later this afternoon?
Person 2: Hellz yeah

by maxdood January 2, 2012

26👍 6👎


1.) A soldier specifically designated to heal other soldiers on the battlefield.

2.) In multiplayer gaming, the same meaning applies, but also used as a form of degradation as medics are thought to be underarmed and more vulnerable than other soldiers.

Sure, shoot the medic before the real troops...

Haha! You just got your arse handed to you by a medic.

by Manawski February 28, 2003

68👍 22👎


An insane, German doctor. (Without Medical License.)
The Medic is a character from Valve's game: "Team Fortress 2".

What he lacks in compassion for the sick, respect for human dignity, and any sort of verifiable formal training in medicine, the Medic more than makes up for with a bottomless supply of giant needles and a trembling enthusiasm for plunging them into exposed flesh. Raised in Stuttgart, Germany during an era when the Hippocratic oath had been downgraded to an optional Hippocratic suggestion, the Medic considers healing a generally unintended side effect of satisfying his own morbid curiosity


by herrmedic27 February 24, 2018