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(v.) a soccer term in which a skilled player swipes the ball by successfully juking out his opponent... Commonly used as a command when two opposing players clash in soccer.

Example: Tyler was doing so well until he got mugged by Nikolay.
Joseph: "Come on, Waylon, mug dat fool! MUG DAT!!!"
Crowd: "Oohhh kill 'em! Get mugged, son!"

by Urban Expert July 1, 2014

145๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž


stare at someone; give someone a dirty look

Why was she mugging me?

by Nikkia April 12, 2002

792๐Ÿ‘ 484๐Ÿ‘Ž


a word that can mean anything and can be used in any context or as any part of speech

"That's cool as mug!"
"You best believe I snatched that mug."
"I'm tired as mug."
"That mug was solid!"
"I love that mug!"
"Gimme that mug."

by Happy Birthday Mary September 16, 2018

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who is naive and has been cheated.

there may be bugs on some of you mugs but there ain't no bugs on me.

by kristen white May 16, 2008

112๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž


A non-existent place . any gathering place. any place one might be found hanging out at. A meeting spot.

Damn , there's all kinds of motherfuckers up in this mug!

by EllisDeatripp September 9, 2010

37๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Generally used to refer to someone in a negative way whether it be seriously or sarcastically.

Caity: Remember what I was going to tell you?
Chanze: Yeah.
Nathan: -walks in-
Caity: I'll text it to you later, I can't say it in front of this mug.

Briitany: Sorry about not calling you back last night, I fell asleep.
Caity: Don't talk to me, you mug. jk.

by theonlyINK May 6, 2008

69๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


Trad English slang (1960s, '70s, '80s) mostly used in the South and Central areas of England to refer to someone who is being fooled, a dupe: an idiot, and especially a rich idiot who is being scammed and whose money is being stolen from under his nose.

Thief 1: I've got a little business I'd like to discuss with you.
Stella: Oh, really? And what sort of business would you and I have in common?
Thief 1: That mug you've got in tow... Walter.
Stella: Do you know him?
Thief 1: I've got a bit of interest in him.
Stella: Oh, I see.
Thief 1: See, I know form with you, Stella. You'll take him for every penny he's got and then drop him.
Stella: What I do is my business.
Thief 1: Well, not this time, love. I want that mug kept happy, and when I say happy, I don't want him squeezed dry and ditched. Right?
Stella: Look, I've got more to do with my life than look after some menopausal spendthrift for you.
Thief 1: Yeah, well, this mug's a very important mug. He's worth a lot of money to us.
Stella: And if I don't?
Thief 1: Don't even say it, love. You've got a nice face. So keep it. (The Sweeney, Season 1, Episode 11: "The Big Spender," 1975)

by koeselitz August 8, 2009

105๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž